Regeringens proposition


om ändring av avtal mellan Sverige, Norge och

EEG om civil luftfart



Regeringen föreslår riksdagen att anta de förslag som har tagits upp i
bifogade utdrag ur regeringsprotokollet den 22 april 1993.

På regeringens vägnar

Carl Bildt

Inger Davidson

Propositionens huvudsakliga innehåll

Regeringen föreslår att vissa tillägg till och en ändring av avtalet mellan
Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart godkänns. Genom tilläggen
kommer Sverige och Norge att omfattas av de regler som gäller inom EG
från den 1 januari 1993 på den civila luftfartens område, det s.k. tredje
luftfartspaketet. Tilläggen och ändringen har förhandlats fram bl.a. med
tanke på att EES-avtalet inte kom att träda i kraft som planerat och med
beaktande av behovet av att samma regler bör gälla i de skandinaviska
länderna med tanke på det skandinaviska luftfartssamarbetet inom främst
Scandinavian Airlines System, SAS.

Tilläggen föranleder ändringar i bl.a. lagen (1992:138) om tillämpning
av avtal mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart och luft-
fartslagen (1957:297).

1 Riksdagen 1992193. 1 saml. Nr 202

1. Förslag till

Lag om ändring i lagen (1992:138) om tillämpning av avtal
mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart

Härigenom föreskrivs att 2 § och bilagan till lagen (1992:138) om till-
lämpning av avtal mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart skall
ha följande lydelse.

Prop. 1992/93:202

Nuvarande lydelse

Föreslagen lydelse

2 § Följande bestämmelser i de i bilagan till avtalet upptagna rättsak-
terna nr 4, 5, 11, 12 och 17 skall gälla som lag här i landet.

1. Artiklarna 1-4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 utom punkt 3, 16 utom punkt

3 samt 17-20 i rådets första förordning 62/17/EEG om tillämpning av
fördragets artiklar 85 och 86, med vidtagna ändringar (nr 4).

2. Artiklarna 1-7, 9, 11, 12 utom
punkt 3, 13 utom punkt 3 samt
14-17 i rådets förordning
87/3975/EEG om förfarandet for

2. Artiklarna 1-7, 9, 11, 12 utom
punkt 3, 13 utom punkt 3 samt
14-17 i rådets förordning
87/3975/EEG om förfarandet för

tillämpning av konkurrensreglerna
på företag inom luftfartssektorn (nr

tillämpning av konkurrensreglerna
på företag inom luftfartssektorn,
med vidtagna ändringar (nr 5).

3. Artiklarna 1-9 i rådets förordning 91/295/EEG om införande av
gemensamma regler om kompensation ull passagerare som nekas
ombordstigning på luftfartyg i regelbunden lufttrafik (nr 11).

4. Artiklarna 1-19 och 22 i rådets förordning 89/2299/EEG om en
uppförandekod för datoriserade bokningssystem (nr 12).

5.  Artiklarna 1-8, 11, 13, 14-18 och 21 i rådets förordning

89/4064/EEG om kontroll av företagskoncentrationer (nr 17).

De angivna rättsakterna finns intagna som bilaga till denna lag.

I fråga om fullgörande i Sverige av skyldigheter enligt denna paragraf
tillämpas 13 samt 15-19 §§.

Bilaga        Prop. 1992/93:202

Rättsakt nr 4


Rättsakt nr 5



Förteckning som avses i artikel 2

k) avräkning och utjämning av konton mellan lufttrafikföretag genom en
clearingcentral inklusive sådana tjänster som kan vara nödvändiga
eller förknippade med detta; avräkning och utjämning av konton
mellan lufttrafikföretag och de agenter de utnämnt genom ett
centraliserat och automatiserat betalningssystem inklusive sådana
tjänster som kan vara nödvändiga eller förknippade med detta.

RÅDETS FÖRORDNING (EEG) nr 1284/91      Prop. 1992/93 202

av den 14 maj 1991
med ändring av förordningen (EEG) nr 3975/87 om förfarandet för
tillämpning av konkurrensreglerna på företag inom luftfartssektorn


med beaktande av Fördraget om upprättandet av Europeiska ekonomiska
gemenskapen, särskilt artikel 87 i detta,

med beaktande av kommissionens förslag1,

med beaktande av Europaparlamentets yttrande2,

med beaktande av Ekonomiska och sociala kommitténs yttrande3, och

med beaktande av följande:

Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 2342/90 av den 24 juli 1990 om biljett-
priser för regelbunden luftfart4 och rådets forordning (EEG) nr 2343/905
om lufttrafikföretags tillträde till flyglinjer i regelbunden lufttrafik inom
gemenskapen och om delning av passagerarkapaciteten mellan lufttrafik-
företag i regelbunden lufttrafik mellan medlemsstaterna förutser
ytterligare liberalisering av tariffsystemet inom gemenskapen.

Eftersom gemenskapens lufttransportpolitik kommer att göra det möjligt
för lufttrafikföretag att konkurrera på grund av deras egna förtjänster och
därigenom bidra till en mer dynamisk lufttransportsektor till förmån för
konsumenterna, skall kommissionen ges möjlighet att omedelbart vidta
åtgärder när lufttrafikföretag i strid med konkurrensreglerna vidtar
åtgärder som kan hota livskraften hos de tjänster som utförs av en
konkurrent eller till och med ett lufttrafikföretags existens och sålunda
orsakar oåterkallelig skada på det på konkurrens uppbyggda systemet.

Det är lämpligt att införa en speciell ordning enligt vilken kommis-
sionen snabbare kan använda konkurrensreglerna i fall när det föreligger
ett angeläget behov av att förhindra, eller agera mot, sådana överträ-
delser av dessa regler.

Denna ordning bör erbjuda de berörda företagen tillfälle att yttra sig
skriftligen över de förfaranden mot vilka invändningarna har gjorts.

Det är därför nödvändigt att ändra förordning (EEG) nr 3975/876.

‘EGT nr C 155, 26.6.1990, s. 7 och EGT nr C 101, 18.4.1991, s. 19

2EGT nr C 48, 25.2.1991, s. 166.

’EGTnrC41, 18.2.1991. s. 44.

4EGTnrL 217, 11.8.1990, s. 1.

5EGT nr L 217, 11.8.1990, s. 8.

6EGTnrL 374, 31.12.1987, s. 1.


Prop. 1992/93:202

Artikel 1

Förordning (EEG) nr 3975/87 ändras härigenom på följande sätt:

1.  Följande artikel skall tillkomma :

"Artikel 4 a

Interimsåtgärder mot konkurrensbegränsande förfaranden

1. Om inte annat följer av tillämpningen av artikel 4.1 kan kommis-
sionen, om den förfogar över klara prima facie-bevis för att vissa
förfaranden strider mot artikel 85 eller 86 i fördraget och har till
syfte eller resultat att direkt hota en flygförbindelses existens och om
begagnandet av det normala förfarandet kan vara otillräckligt för att
skydda flygförbindelsen eller det berörda flygbolaget, genom beslut
vidta interimsåtgärder för att säkerställa att dessa förfaranden inte
vidtas eller att de upphör samt lämna sådana anvisningar som behövs
för att hindra förekomsten av dessa förfaranden till dess att ett beslut
fattas enligt artikel 4.1.

2. Ett beslut som fattas i enlighet med punkt 1 skall gälla i högst sex
månader. Artikel 8.5 är inte tillämplig."

2.  Följande tillägg skall göras i artikel 13.1:

"e) att vidta vaije åtgärd som har beslutats enligt artikel 4 a."

3.  I artikel 16.1 skall "4 a," läggas Ull efter "4,".

Artikel 2

Denna förordning träder i kraft dagen efter det att den offentliggjorts i
Europeiska gemenskapernas officiella tidning.

Denna förordning är till alla delar bindande och direkt tillämplig i alla

Utfärdad i Bryssel den 14 maj 1991.

På rådets vägnar



Prop. 1992/93:202


av den 23 juli 1992

oin ändring av förordning (EEG) nr 3975/87 om förfarandet för tillämpning av
konkurrensreglerna på företag inom luftfartssektorn


med beaktande av Fördraget om upprättandet av Europeiska
ekonomiska gemenskapen, särskilt artikel 87 i detta,

med beaktande av kommissionens förslag1,

med beaktande av Europaparlamentets yttrande2,

med beaktande av Ekonomiska och sociala kommitténs

och med beaktande av följande:

Förordning (EEG) nr 3975/874 utgjorde del av ett paket av
samordnade åtgärder, vidtagna av rådet som ett första steg
mot genomförandet av den inre marknaden på transportom-
rådet; dess räckvidd begränsades därför till internationell
luftfart mellan gemenskapens flygplatser.

Kommissionen har följaktligen för närvarande inga möjligheter
att direkt undersöka fall av misstänkt överträdelse av artikel
85 och 86 i fördraget. Kommissionen saknar vidare befo-
genheter att fatta beslut eller införa sanktioner som är nöd-
vändiga för att godkänna avtal enligt artikel 85.3 och för att
få konstaterade överträdelser i samband med transport inom en
medlemsstat att upphöra.

Även luftfart som utövas uteslutande inom en medlemsstat är
nu föremål för gemenskapens liberaliseringsåtgärder. Det är
därför önskvärt att regler fastställs enligt vilka kommissionen
i nära och ständig kontakt med behöriga myndigheter i
medlemsstaterna kan vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att tillämpa
artikel 85 och 86 i fördraget på detta område inom luftfarten,
i sådana fall när handeln mellan medlemsstaterna kan på-

Del är nödvändigt att skapa en säker och klar rättslig ram för
luftfarten inom en medlemsstat och samtidigt säkra en konse-
kvent tillämpning av konkurrensreglerna. Räckvidden för
förordning (EEG) nr 3975/87 bör därför utvidgas till att om-
fatta inrikes lufttrafik.


Artikel 1

Ordet "internationella" skall utgå i artikel 1.2 i förordning
(EEG) nr 3975/87.

Artikel 2

Denna förordning träder i kraft dagen efter det att den har
offentliggjorts i Europeiska gemenskapernas officiella tid-

Denna förordning är till alla delar bindande och direkt tilllämplig i alla medlemsstater.

Utfärdad i Bryssel den 23 juli 1992.

På rådets vägnar



1   EGT nr C 255, 30.8.1991, s. 9.

2   EGT nr C 125, 18 5.1992, s. 130

J   EGT nr C 169, 6.7.1992, s. 13.

4   EGT nr L 374, 31.12.1987, s. I

Denna lag träder i kraft den dag regeringen bestämmer.

2. Förslag till

Lag om ändring i luftfartslagen (1957:297)

Härigenom föreskrivs att det i luftfartslagen (1957:297) skall införas
två nya paragrafer, 2 kap. 2 a § och 7 kap. 3 a §, av följande lydelse.

Föreslagen lydelse

2 kap.

2 a § Utan hinder av 2 § får ett
luftfartyg registreras i Sverige om
det ägs av ett lufttrafikföretag som
har sin centrala administration och
sitt huvudkontor i Norge eller i en
stat inom Europeiska ekonomiska
gemenskapen om företaget till mer
än hälften ägs och kontrolleras av
en sådan stat eller av en med-
borgare i en sådan stat. Detta
gäller dock bara så länge lagen
(1992:1317) om ett europeiskt
ekonomiskt samarbetsområde
(EES) inte har trätt i kraft.

7 kap.

3 a § Utan hinder av 3 § får
regeringen eller den myndighet
regeringen bestämmer även ge till-
stånd till luftfart i inrikes trafik till
ett lufttrafikföretag som har sin
centrala administration och sitt
huvudkontor i Norge eller i en stat
inom Europeiska ekonomiska
gemenskapen om företaget till mer
än hälften ägs och kontrolleras av
en sådan stat eller av en med-
borgare i en sådan stat.

Prop. 1992/93:202

Denna lag träder i kraft den dag regeringen bestämmer.

3. Förslag till

Lag om ändring i lagen (1992:1317) om ett europeiskt
ekonomiskt samarbetsområde (EES)

Härigenom föreskrivs att ikraftträdandebestämmelsema till lagen
(1992:1317) om ett europeiskt ekonomiskt samarbetsområde (EES) skall
ha följande lydelse.

Prop. 1992/93:202

Lydelse enligt prop. 1992/93:225

1. Denna lag träder i kraft den
dag regeringen bestämmer. Föl-
jande bestämmelser i bilaga 1 får
dock inte sättas i kraft före den 1
januari 1994:

- artikel 81 a, b, d, e och f,

- artikel 82.

2. Regeringen får sätta lagen i
kraft i förhållande till Liechtenstein
vid en senare tidpunkt än i för-
hållande till andra avtalsslutande

3. Genom lagen upphävs lagen
(1992:138) om tillämpning av avtal
mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG
om civil luftfart.

Föreslagen lydelse

1. Denna lag träder i kraft den
dag regeringen bestämmer. Föl-
jande bestämmelser i bilaga 1 får
dock inte sättas i kraft före den 1
januari 1994:

- artikel 81 a, b, d, e och f,

- artikel 82.

2. Regeringen får sätta lagen i
kraft i förhållande till Liechtenstein
vid en senare tidpunkt än i för-
hållande till andra avtalsslutande


Utdrag ur protokoll vid regeringssammanträde den 22 april 1993

Prop. 1992/93:202

Närvarande: statsministern Bildt, ordförande, och statsråden B.
Westerberg, Friggebo, Johansson, Laurén, Hörnlund, Svensson,
Dinkelspiel, Hellsvik, Björck, Davidson, Könberg, Unckel, P.
Westerberg, Ask

Föredragande: statsrådet Davidson

Proposition om ändring av avtal mellan Sverige,
Norge och EEG om civil luftfart

1 Inledning

I regeringens proposition 1992/93:93 om vissa luftfartsfrågor med
anledning av avtalet om Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet (EES)
lämnades en kortfattad redogörelse om EG:s åtgärder för att avreglera
den civila luftfarten inom gemenskapen. Den 1 januari 1993 trädde det
s.k. tredje luftfartspaketet i kraft inom EG. Det tredje luftfartspaketet
innebär bl.a. att luftfarten inom EG avregleras ytterligare och att
lufttrafikföretag inom EG ges rätt att fritt trafikera de linjer de önskar
mellan orter inom gemenskapen. Vidare innehåller paketet, tillsammans
med de övriga rättsakter som tillkommit på området under senare tid,
regler om tillståndskrav för lufttrafikföretag, prissättning, harmonisering
av tekniska krav och administrativa procedurer, erkännande av certifikat
for flygpersonal samt om fördelning av ankomst- och avgångstider vid
större flygplatser. Slutligen ger paketet möjlighet till en utvidgad och
förstärkt kontroll av konkurrensförhållandena inom den civila luftfarten.

Den viktigaste nyheten är möjligheten till inrikes luftfart på annat lands
territorium, s.k. cabotage. Under en övergångstid fram till den 1 april
1997 får sådan inrikes luftfart begränsas till att ske endast i form av
förlängning av en internationell flygsträcka; exempelvis skall ett brittiskt
lufttrafikföretag få öppna en linje London-Munchen-Berlin och ta upp
passagerare för inrikes befordran mellan Miinchen och Berlin. Under
övergångstiden får vidare endast en begränsad del av lufttrafikföretagets
kapacitet användas for sådan inrikes trafik. Genom det tredje luftfarts-
paketet släpps prissättningen för luftfarten i princip fri och de traditio-
nella gränserna mellan reguljärflyg och charterflyg suddas ut. Fördel-
ningen av ankomst- och avgångstider på de stora flygplatserna skall ske
på ett konkurrensneutralt sätt. Kommissionen får också rätt att granska
inrikestrafiken och ingripa vid missförhållanden.

I nämnda proposition redovisades också kort innehållet i det avtal

mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart, i det följande benämnt  Prop. 1992/93:202

luftfartsavtalet, som trädde i kraft den 6 juli 1992. Från början var
avsikten att luftfartsavtalet, som bygger på det s.k. andra luftfartspaketet,
skulle upphöra att gälla den dag EES-avtalet träder i kraft. Därefter
skulle det tredje luftfartspaketet införlivas i EES-avtalet när parterna
förhandlat fram ett tilläggsavtal avseende de rättsakter som tillkommit
inom EG på de områden som omfattas av EES-avtalet.

Sedan Schweiz efter folkomröstning sagt nej till EES-avtalet har
tidtabellen för EES-avtalet förändrats. Siktet är nu inställt på att det
justerade EES-avtalet skall kunna träda i kraft senare under 1993, vilket
innebär att de tillkommande rättsakterna blir införlivade ännu något

På grund av det etablerade samarbetet mellan de skandinaviska
länderna på luftfartens område har i denna situation tanken väckts att låta
luftfartsavtalet leva vidare en tid och att med avtalet snarast möjligt
införliva de rättsakter som ingår i det tredje luftfartspaketet.

Enligt de ursprungliga tankarna bakom EES-avtalet skulle även ett
sålunda utvidgat luftfartsavtal upphöra att gälla när EES-avtalet träder i
kraft, och Sverige och Norge skulle då även i förhållande till EG återgå
till det andra luftfartspaketet enligt EES-avtalet. Denna återgång till ett
tidigare rättsläge framstår i dag varken som en praktisk eller rättsligt
tillfredsställande lösning.

Den blandade kommitté, som har upprättats med stöd av bestämmel-
serna i luftfartsavtalet, har därför under våren 1993 dels fattat ett beslut
den 26 mars 1993 om att komplettera luftfartsavtalet med nio nya
rättsakter, dels utarbetat ett förslag till ett tilläggsavtal med innebörden
att luftfartsavtalet skall fortsätta att tillämpas för en begränsad tid även
sedan EES-avtalet trätt i kraft. Blandade kommitténs beslut på engelska
och i preliminär svensk översättning bör fogas till protokollet i detta
ärende som bilaga 1. Förslaget till tilläggsavtalet på engelska och i
preliminär svensk översättning bör fogas till protokollet i detta ärende
som bilaga 2. De nya rättsakterna bör, i sin engelska lydelse fogas till
protokollet i detta ärende som bilaga 3. Översättning till svenska av
rättsakterna pågår, men några slutliga versioner föreligger ännu inte.
Inom Kommunikationsdepartementet har preliminära svenska versioner
tillsammans med de danska texterna sammanställts i en särskild pro-
memoria (dnr K93/1125/2).

Enligt EES-avtalets artikel 120 skall bestämmelserna i EES-avtalet ha
företräde framför vid tidpunkten för EES-avtalets ingående gällande
bilaterala och multilaterala avtal som binder EEG, å ena sidan, och en
eller flera EFTA-stater, å andra sidan, i den utsträckning samma fråga
regleras i EES-avtalet. Det var med hänsyn till denna bestämmelse
logiskt att låta luftfartsavtalet upphöra att gälla i och med att EES-avtalet
träder i kraft. När man nu vill åstadkomma en överlappning får man
motivera detta med att de ytterligare friheter som nu införs inte regleras
i EES-avtalet. Detta kan ske genom en tolkning av artikel 120 i
EES-avtalet som innebär att de frågor som inte lösts i EES-avtalet, men
som regleras i luftfartsavtalet, inte anses reglerade av EES-avtalet enligt                    p)

artikel 120. Därigenom kan luftfartsavtalet leva kvar i dessa delar tills

motsvarande regler kunnat införlivas med EES-avtalet. Den överenskom- Prop. 1992/93:202
melse varigenom luftfartsavtalets giltighet förlängts innebär också att
luftfartsavtalet skall upphöra att gälla två år efter det EES-avtalet trätt i
kraft om inte den blandade kommittén beslutar annat och att EES-avtalet
skall gälla framför luftfartsavtalet om de står i strid mot varandra.

Inom den blandade kommittén har man varit väl medveten om
innehållet i artikel 120 i EES-avtalet när förslaget till tilläggsavtal
utarbetades. De övriga EFTA-statema har orienterats om att Sverige,
Norge och EEG önskar att gå vidare med luftfartssamarbetet inom ramen
för luftfartsavtalet. Enligt uppgift har inga allvarligare invändningar förts
fram. Kommissionens rättsavdelning har vidare gjort den bedömningen
att förslaget till tilläggsavtal med hänsyn till omständigheterna inte kan
anses oförenligt med artikel 120. Detta kommer till uttryck i förslagets

Mot bakgrund av vad som nu sagts torde den förhållandevis snäva
tolkning av artikel 120 i EES-avtalet som ligger till grund för förläng-
ningen av luftfartsavtalet kunna godtas. Härvid bör också beaktas att de
fördragsslutande parterna i en gemensam deklaration till EES-avtalet har
uttalat sig för att situationer av det slag som kan uppstå om luftfarts-
avtalet inte förlängs bör undvikas.

Mot bakgrund av vad som nu sagts kan förlängningen av luftfartsavtalet
för tiden efter det att EES-avtalet trätt i kraft vad gäller det tredje
luftfartspaketet inte heller i övrigt anses stå i strid med Sveriges
åtaganden enligt EES-avtalet. Luftfartsavtalet kommer därmed att
fortsätta att gälla även efter det att EES-avtalet trätt i kraft till dess
sistnämnda avtal hunnit anpassas till det tredje luftfartspaketet om detta
sker inom rimlig tid. Därefter kan luftfartsavtalet upphöra att gälla.

I den blandade kommittén har man arbetat med ambitionen att de nya
reglerna skall kunna träda i kraft den 1 juli 1993. De berörda avtalspar-
ternas interna regler om godkännande och ratifikation kan dock medföra
att ikraftträdandedagen kan komma att förskjutas.

I samband med förhandlingarna har kommissionen på Norges begäran
avgivit en förklaring angående tillämpningen av förordningen (EEG) nr
2408/92 på de regionala flygtjänstema i Norge. De flyglinjer som berörs
är det flygnät (STOL-network, Short Take-Off and Landing) som
trafikeras med speciella flygplan som klarar av de korta start- och
landningsbanor som finns framför allt i norra Norge.

I denna förklaring redovisar kommissionen förordningens huvudprin-
ciper samt möjligheterna att under och efter en övergångstid om tre år
från det att den aktuella förordningen träder i kraft i Norge tillförsäkra
en operatör fortsatt ensamrätt till trafiken på detta nät.

Kommissionen drar i korthet följande slutsatser. Nuvarande operatör
kan ensam fortsätta trafiken i tre år räknat från den dag den aktuella
förordningen träder i kraft i Norge. Även efter den dagen medför
övergångsbestämmelserna angående rätten till cabotage att det i praktiken
är omöjligt för ett annat EG-lufttrafikföretag att etablera konkurrerande
trafik före den 1 april 1997. Norge kan också upphandla samhällsviktig
trafik på flyglinjema innan treårsperioden löper ut. Om detta sker efter                    11

ett offentligt anbudsförfarande har man rätt att ge koncessionären

ensamrätt på linjerna for ytterligare en treårsperiod framåt. Kommis- Prop. 1992/93:202
sionens tolkning är naturligtvis även relevant för flygtrafiken inom


2 Närmare om innehållet i de nya rättsakterna

Rättsakten nr 21 - Förordning (EEG) nr 2407/92

(" licensierin gsförord ningen")

I denna rättsakt uppställs kraven på ett lufttrafikföretag för att det skall
få operativt tillstånd att utföra lufttransporter av passagerare, post eller
gods mot ersättning. Det skall alltid drivas med god ekonomi och på en
hög säkerhetsnivå. För att skydda kunderna skall företaget dessutom vara
tillräckligt försäkrat.

Av artikel 8.2 i förordningen följer att luftfartyg som ägs av företag
inom gemenskapen skall få registreras i vilket land som helst inom

Rättsakten nr 22 - Förordning (EEG) nr 2408/92

Denna rättsakt ersätter delvis respektive bygger vidare på rådets
förordning 2343/90 av den 24 juli 1990 om lufttrafikföretags tillträde till
flyglinjer i regelbunden trafik inom gemenskapen och om delning av
passagerarkapaciteten mellan lufttrafikföretag i regelbunden lufttrafik
mellan medlemsstaterna, som ingår som rättsakt nr 1 i luftfartsavtalet,
samt även delvis rådets förordning 294/91 av den 4 februari 1991 om
bedrivande av flygfrakttrafik mellan medlemsstater, som ingår i
luftfartsavtalet som rättsakt nr 3. Rättsakten nr 22 utgör ett ytterligare
steg for att upprätta den inre marknaden.

I denna rättsakt öppnas stegvis rätten för lufttrafikföretag inom EG att
öppna flyglinjer inom gemenskapen, alltså även mellan två orter i andra
stater än den i vilket lufttrafikföretaget har sitt säte. Vidare öppnas rätten
till inrikes trafik i annat land än det där lufttrafikföretaget har sitt säte,
vilket innebär rätt till s.k. cabotage. Från den 1 januari 1993 och fram
till den 1 april 1997 får cabotagerättigheten begränsas till att gälla endast
för en förbindelse som utgör en förlängning av en internationell linje och
högst 50 % av säsongskapaciteten på flyglinjen får utnyttjas för
inrikestrafik i annan stat. Från och med den 1 april 1997 skall inga
restriktioner längre råda för ett EG-lufttrafikföretag att utföra inrikes
trafik i regelbunden luftfart i vilket land som helst inom gemenskapen.

Vidare upphävs genom denna rättsakt bl.a. nu gällande begränsningar
i s.k. femte frihetsrättigheter och reglerna om utseende av flera lufttrafik-
företag som gällde enligt artiklarna 8 resp. 6 i förordningen 2343/90.


Rättsakten nr 23 - Förordning (EEG) nr 2409/92

I denna förordning finns regler om biljettpriser och tariffer för lufttrans-
porter uteslutande inom gemenskapen. I princip skall prissättningen vara
fri, men viss kontroll skall i efterhand kunna ske av att basprisema inte
blivit för höga, t.ex. när ett företag kan utnyttja en faktisk ensamställ-
ning. Medlemsstaterna kan också ingripa mot prissänkningar om
konkurrenssituationen på en marknad blir sådan att de berörda flygföre-
tagen gör allmänt utbredda förluster på marknaden. Denna förordning
upphäver helt rådets förordning (EEG) nr 2342/90 av den 24 juli 1990
om biljettpriser för regelbunden luftfart, som ingår i luftfartsavtalet som
rättsakt nr 2.

Rättsakten nr 24 - Förordning (EEG) nr 1284/91

(ändring av rättsakt nr 5)

Denna rättsakt ger kommissionen möjlighet att snabbt ingripa mot ett
lufttrafikföretag som inte följer konkurrensreglerna. Rättsakten motsvarar
den nästan ordagrant likalydande bestämmelse som återfinns i kapitel XI,
artikel 4 a i protokoll 4 till övervakningsavtalet och som ger motsvarande
befogenheter till EFTA:s övervakningsmyndighet.

Rättsakten nr 25 - Förordning (EEG) nr 2410/92
(ändring av rättsakt nr 5)

Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 3975/87 av den 14 december 1987 om för-
färandet för tillämpning av konkurrensreglerna på företag inom luftfarts-
sektorn som finns med i det ursprungliga luftfartsavtalet som rättsakt nr
5 gäller enligt artikel 1.2 i sin ursprungliga lydelse endast för inter-
nationella lufttransporter mellan flygplatser inom gemenskapen. Genom
rättsakten nr 25 tas ordet "internationella" bort och förordningen blir
därför tillämplig även på inrikes lufttrafik.

Rättsakten nr 26 - Förordning (EEG) nr 2411/92

(ändring av villkoren för gruppundantag)

Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 3976/87 av den 14 december 1987 om
tillämpningen av artikel 85.3 i fördraget på vissa kategorier av överens-
kommelser och samordnade förfaranden inom luftfartssektorn, som ingår
i luftfartsavtalet som rättsakt nr 6, ändras genom denna rättsakt på så sätt
att man begränsar de områden för vilka s.k. gruppundantag får beslutas.
Med gruppundantag menas att vissa förfaranden undantas från Romför-
dragets hårda krav på fri konkurrens. Förordningen görs även tillämplig
på inrikes lufttrafik.

Vidare ändras artikel 3. Tidigare gällde ett fastlagt sista datum efter
vilket beslut om gruppundantag inte längre skall gälla. Nu gäller att nya
förordningar om gruppundantag även fortsättningsvis får beslutas men då

Prop. 1992/93:202


skall gälla för en begränsad period.

Prop. 1992/93:202

Rättsakten nr 27 - Rörordning (EEG) nr 3922/91

(harmonisering av tekniska krav m.m.)

Denna rättsakt, som gäller harmonisering av tekniska krav och admini-
strativa procedurer inom området civil luftfart, trädde i kraft den 1
januari 1992. Den innebär att man inom gemenskapen harmoniserar sina
tekniska krav och administrativa procedurer vad gäller konstruktion,
tillverkning, drift och underhåll av luftfartyg samt personer och
organisationer som sysslar med sådana uppgifter. Reglerna grundar sig
på de bestämmelser, JAR, som utarbetats av de gemensamma luftfarts-
myndigheterna (Joint Aviation Authorities, JAA). Detta organ är
associerat till den europeiska konferensen for civil luftfart (European
Civil Aviation Conference, ECAC).

Rättsakten nr 28 - Direktiv 91/670

(godkännande av certifikat)

Detta direktiv behandlar ömsesidigt godkännande av certifikat för förare,
navigatörer och flygmaskinister inom den civila luftfarten. I huvudsak
innebär det att medlemsstaterna skall harmonisera sina regler för
utfärdande av certifikat och dessa skall därefter godkännas i andra
medlemsstater utan att nya prov skall behöva avläggas. Vidare skall
antagningen till utbildning för sådana certifikat öppnas for gemenskapens
medborgare på lika villkor.

Rättsakten nr 29 - Förordning (EEG) nr 95/93

(fördelning av ankomst- och avgångstider)

I denna rättsakt ges regler för en konkurrensneutral fördelning av
ankomst- och avgångstider, s.k. slots, vid gemenskapens flygplatser.

3 Ändring i lagen (1992:138) om tillämpning av
avtal mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil

Rättsakterna nr 24 och 25 ovan innebär ändringar i rådets förordning
(EEG) nr 3975/87, som ingår som rättsakt nr 5 i luftfartsavtalet.
Rättsakten nr 5 införlivades med svensk rätt genom lagen om tillämpning
av avtal mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart. Ändringsför-
ordningama bör därför även de införlivas med lagen.

De övriga nya rättsakterna kräver inte lagform för att införlivas med
svensk rätt.


4   Ändring i luftfartslagen

I den tidigare nämnda propositionen 1992/93:93 om vissa luftfartsfrågor
med anledning av avtalet om Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet
(EES) lämnades förslag bl.a. till ändring i 2 kap. 2 § och 7 kap. 3 §
luftfartslagen (1957:297) utifrån EES-avtalets bestämmelser. Vidare
föreslogs ett ytterligare stycke i lagrummet som skulle underlätta
genomförandet av det tredje luftfartspaketet inom ramen för kommande
tillägg till EES-avtalet. Riksdagen antog förslagen (bet. 1992/93:TU5,
rskr. 1992/93:90). Lagändringarna träder i kraft den dag regeringen

För att göra det möjligt att från den dag som tilläggen till luftfartsav-
talet träder i kraft tillåta att inrikes luftfart bedrivs av ett norskt
lufttrafikföretag eller ett EG-lufttrafikföretag enligt reglerna i rådets
förordning (EEG) nr 2408/92 av den 23 juli 1992 om EG-lufttrafikföre-
tags tillträde till flyglinjer inom gemenskapen måste ytterligare en
anpassning av luftfartslagens regler ske. Eftersom det i dagens läge kan
antagas att luftfartsavtalet i sin nya lydelse kommer att vara i kraft en
begränsad tid bör denna speciella lagändring ske genom att en ny
paragraf, 7 kap. 3 a §, införs för att tillgodose behovet. När sedan
EES-samarbetet kommit till stånd och utvecklats enligt planerna kan
denna nya paragraf upphävas.

På samma sätt kan problemet med rätten att i Sverige registrera
luftfartyg som ägs av lufttrafikföretag med säte i Norge eller i en EG-stat
lösas genom att en "tillfällig" 2 a § i 2 kap. införs. Denna paragraf kan
upphävas redan den dag EES-avtalet träder i kraft.

5   Ändring i lagen om ett europeiskt ekonomiskt
samarbetsområde (EES)

Lagen (1992:1317) om ett europeiskt ekonomiskt samarbetsområde (EES)
innehåller en bestämmelse om att lagen (1992:138) om tillämpning av
avtal mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart skall upphävas.
Den bestämmelsen bör tas bort.

I sammanhanget bör beaktas att i regeringens proposition 1992/93:225
om godkännande av protokoll med justeringar av avtalet om Europeiska
ekonomiska samarbetsområdet (EES) m.m. lämnas förslag till en annan
lydelse av ikraftträdandebestämmelsema. De två propositionernas
lagförslag behöver därför samordnas vid riksdagsbehandlingen.

6   Upprättade lagförslag

I enlighet med vad jag nu har anfört har inom Kommunikationsdeparte-
mentet upprättas förslag till

1. lag om ändring i lagen (1992:138) om tillämpning av avtal mellan
Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart,

2. lag om ändring i luftfartslagen (1957:297),

Prop. 1992/93:202


3. lag om ändring i lagen (1992:1317) om ett europeiskt ekonomiskt Prop. 1992/93:202
samarbetsområde (EES).

Beträffande förslaget 3 har samråd skett med statsrådet Dinkelspiel.

7  Lagrådets hörande

Förslagen fäller under Lagrådets granskningsområde. Med hänsyn till att
det är av största vikt i förhållande till övriga berörda länder att avtalet
kan träda i kraft den 1 juli 1993 eller i nära anslutning till denna tidpunkt
måste riksdagen hinna behandla detta ärende under pågående riksmöte.
Eftersom Lagrådets hörande skulle fördröja lagstiftningsärendets
behandling så att avsevärt men skulle uppkomma, bör Lagrådets yttrande
kunna underlåtas i detta fäll.

8   Hemställan

Jag hemställer att regeringen föreslår riksdagen att

1. godkänna ett förslag till tilläggsavtal mellan Sverige, Norge
och EEG om civil luftfart i huvudsaklig överensstämmelse med den
blandade kommitténs förslag,

2. godkänna den blandade kommitténs beslut av den 26 mars


3. anta förslaget till lag om ändring i lagen (1992:138) om
tillämpning av avtal mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil

4. anta förslaget till lag om ändring i luftfartslagen (1957:297),

5. anta förslaget till lag om ändring i lagen (1992:1317) om ett
europeiskt ekonomiskt samarbetsområde (EES).

Ärendet bör behandlas under innevarande riksmöte.

9   Beslut

Regeringen ansluter sig till föredragandens överväganden och beslutar att
genom proposition föreslå riksdagen att anta de förslag som före-
draganden lagt fram.





Pursuant to Artide 12.3 in the Agreement between the European
Economic Community, the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of
Sweden on civil aviation the Joint Committee has decided that the
following Regulations and Directive shall be integrated into the Agree-
ment and be added to the list in Annex I.

21.  2407/92

Council Regulation of 23 July 1992 on licensing of air carriers.

Artides 1-18

22.  2408/92

Council Regulation of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air
carriers to intra-Community air routes.

Artides 1-15

The list of category 1 airports set out in Annex I of the Regulation
shall be supplemented as follows:

Norway: Oslo Airport System

Sweden: Stockholm Airport System

The list of airport systems set out in Annex II of the Regulation
shall be supplemented as follows:

Norway: Oslo - Fomebu/Gardermoen

Sweden: Stockholm - Arlanda/Bromma

23.  2409/92

Council Regulation of 23 July 1992 on fares and rates for air

Artides 1-11

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 1

2 Riksdagen 1992193. 1 saml. Nr 202

24.  1284/91

Council Regulation of 14 May 1991 amending Regulations No.
3975/87 laying down the procedure for the application of the rules
on competition to undertakings in the air transport sector.

Artide 1

Any reference to Artides 85 or 86 in this Regulation shall be
understood to mean Artides 4 or 5 of this Agreement respectively.

25 . 2410/92

Council Regulation of 23 July 1992 amending Regulation No.
3975/87 laying down the procedure for the application of the rules
on competition to undertakings in the air transport sector.

Artide 1

Any reference to Artides 85 or 86 in this Regulation shall be
understood to mean Artides 4 or 5 of this Agreement respectively.

26.  2411/92

Council Regulation of 23 July 1992 amending Regulation No.
3976/87 on the application of Artide 85(3) of the Treaty to certain
categories of agreements and concerted practices in the air transport

Artide 1

Any reference to Artides 85 or 86 in this Regulation shall be
understood to mean Artides 4 or 5 of this Agreement respectively.

27.  3922/91

Council Regulation of 16 December 1991 on the harmonization of
technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of
civil aviation.

Artides 1-3, 5-11, 13

28.  91/670

Council Directive of 16 December 1991 on mutual acceptance of
personnel licences for the exercise of functions in civil aviation.

Artides 1-7

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 1


29. 95/93

Council Regulation of 18 January 1993 on common rules for the
allocation of slots at Community airports.

Artides 1-13

The territory of Svalbard shall be exempted from the application of the
Regulations and Directive listed above.


In order to safeguard the proper functioning of the Agreement, the Joint
Committee in accordance with Artide 12.3 recommends the Contracting
Parties to amend the Agreement as set out in the Annex to this decision.


Pursuant to Artide 14.3. of the Agreement, the decision in I above is
subject to approval or ratification by the Contracting Parties in accord-
ance with their own procedures.

This decision shall enter into force on 1 July 1993 or on the date on
which the last instrument of ratification has been deposited in accordance
with Artide 23.3 of the Agreement whichever date is the later.

For the European Economic Community

For the Kingdom of Norway

For the Kingdom of Sweden

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 1


Preliminär översättning av Blandade kommitténs beslut

Avtal mellan Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen,
konungariket Norge och konungariket Sverige om
civil luftfart

Beslut av Blandade kommittén den 26 mars 1993


Enligt artikel 12.3 i avtalet mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil
luftfart har Blandade kommittén beslutat att följande förordningar och
direktiv skall införlivas med avtalet och läggas till listan i bilaga I.

21.  2407/92

Rådets förordning av den 23 juli 1992 om utfärdande av tillstånd
till lufttrafikföretag.

Artiklarna 1-18

22.  2808/92

Rådets förordning av den 23 juli 1992 om EG-lufttrafikföretags
tillträde till flyglinjer inom gemenskapen.

Artiklarna 1-15

Listan över kategori-1-flygplatser i bilaga I till förordningen skall
kompletteras med följande:

Norge: Oslo flygplatssystem

Sverige: Stockholms flygplatssystem

Listan över flygplatssystem i bilaga II till förordningen skall
kompletteras med följande:

Norge: Oslo - Fomebu/Gardermoen

Sverige: Stockholm - Arlanda/Bromma

23.  2409/92

Rådets förordning av den 23 juli 1992 om biljettpriser och tariffer
för luftfart.

Artiklarna 1-11

24.  1284/91

Rådets förordning av den 14 maj 1991 om ändring av rådets
förordning (EEG) nr 3975/87 om förfarandet för tillämpning av
konkurrensreglerna på företag inom luftfartssektorn.

Artikel 1

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 1


Vaije hänvisning till artiklarna 85 eller 86 i förordningen skall i Prop. 1992/93:202
stället gälla artiklarna 4 respektive 5 i detta avtal.                      Bilaga 1

25.  2410/92

Rådets förordning av den 23 juli 1992 om ändring av förordning
(EEG) nr 3975/87 om förfarandet för tillämpning av konkurrens-
reglerna på företag inom luftfartssektorn.

Artikel 1

Varje hänvisning till artiklarna 85 eller 86 i förordningen skall i
stället gälla artiklarna 4 respektive 5 i detta avtal.

26.  2411/92

Rådets förordning av den 23 juli 1992 om ändring av förordning
(EEG) nr 3976/87 om tillämpningen av artikel 85.3 i fördraget på
vissa kategorier av överenskommelser och samordnade förfaranden
inom luftfartssektorn.

Artikel 1

Varje hänvisning till artiklarna 85 eller 86 i förordningen skall i
stället gälla artiklarna 4 respektive 5 i detta avtal

27.  3922/91

Rådets förordning av den 16 december 1991 om harmonisering av
tekniska krav och administrativa procedurer inom området civil

Artiklarna 1-3, 5-11, 13

28.  91/670

Rådets direktiv av den 16 december 1991 om ömsesidigt godkän-
nande av certifikat för personal med funktioner inom den civila

Artiklarna 1-7

29.  95/93

Rådets förordning av den 18 januari 1993 om gemensamma regler
för fördelning av ankomst- och avgångstider vid gemenskapens

Artiklarna 1-13

Svalbards territorium skall undantas från tillämpningen av förordningarna

och direktivet som nämnts ovan.



För att säkerställa att avtalet får avsedd verkan, rekommenderar den
blandade kommittén i enlighet med artikel 12.3 avtalsparterna att ändra
avtalet på det sätt som framgår av bilagan till detta beslut.


I enlighet med artikel 14.3 i avtalet är beslutet under I ovan föremål för
godkännande eller ratifikation av avtalsparterna enligt deras egna proce-

Detta beslut skall träda i kraft den 1 juli 1993 eller därefter den dag då
det sista ratifikationsinstrumentet har deponerats i enlighet med artikel
23.3 i avtalet.

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 1



Agreement between the European Economic Community, the
Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of Sweden

Whereas the Agreement between the European Economic Community,
the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of Sweden on civil aviation,
hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, entered into force on 6 July

Whereas the Agreement establishes a uniform system of rules in the field
of civil aviation;

Whereas since the conclusion of this Agreement new legislation in the
field of civil aviation has been adopted in the Community and whereas
Artide 12 of the Agreement provides for the integration in the Agree-
ment of amendments made to the legislation of each Party;

Whereas the Joint Committee, in accordance with Artide 12 of the
Agreement, decided on 26 March 1993 to integrate this new legislation
in the Agreement;

Whereas this new legislation anticipates legislation that will be applicable
under the EEA Agreement at the moment the interna! procedures for its
inclusion in the EEA Agreement are completed;

Whereas Artide 19.3 of the Agreement provides that the Agreement shall
cease to be in force from the date an agreement between the Community
and EFTA countries on the European Economic Area enters into force;

Whereas, in order to ensure that the objective of the Agreement, a
uniform system of rules throughout the Community, Norway and
Sweden, will be met also after the entry into force of the EEA agreement
for the time required to complete the procedures to supplement the
legislation in the EEA Agreement, it is important that the Agreement
remains in force for a limited period of time;

Whereas in view of these exceptional circumstances this agreement does
not prejudice in any way the provisions of the EEA agreement and in
particular not the application of artide 120 of the EEA agreement;



Artide 19.3 of the Agreement will be replaced by the following:

This Agreement shall cease to be in force from the date an
agreement between the EC and EFTA countries on the European
Economic Area enters into force.

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 2

However, as far as legislation mentioned in Annex 1 and adopted
in accordance with Artide 12.3 is concemed, this Agreement shall
continue to apply to the extent that the same subject matter is not
govemed by the EEA agreement.

If this Agreement has continued to apply in part for 18 months after
the entry into force of the EEA agreement, the Joint Committee
shall meet to decide upon the continued application of this Agree-
ment. If the Joint Committee does not decide otherwise, this
Agreement shall cease to be in force two years after the entry into
force of the EEA agreement.

In a case where the application of this Artide conflicts with
provisions of the EEA agreement, the latter shall prevail.


This Agreement shall be subject to approval or ratification in accordance
with the Contracting Parties’ own procedures and the Parties shall notify
each other of the completion of the procedures necessary for that

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the last
instrument of ratification has been deposited. It shall be published in the
Official Journal of the European Communities.

This Agreement and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited in
the archives of the Secretariat of the Council of the European Communit-
ies, which shall deliver a certified copy thereof to each Contracting


This Agreement is drawn up in all the official languages: Danish, Dutch,
English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish of the
Community as well as in the Norwegian and Swedish languages, all texts
being equally authentic.

For the European Economic Community

For the Kingdom of Norway

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 2

For the Kingdom of Sweden


Preliminär översättning av förslaget till tillägg till avtalet


Avtal mellan Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen,
Konungariket Norge och Konungariket Sverige

Avtalet mellan Sverige, Norge och EEG om civil luftfart, härefter
benämnt avtalet, trädde i kraft den 6 juli 1992.

Avtalet lägger grunden för ett enhetligt regelsystem inom området civil

Sedan detta avtal träffats har nya regler antagits inom gemenskapen inom
området civil luftfart. Artikel 12 i avtalet ger möjlighet att revidera
bestämmelserna i avtalet så att ändringar som gjorts i någon parts
lagstiftning införlivas i avtalet.

Blandade kommittén beslöt den 26 mars 1993 enligt artikel 12 i avtalet
att införliva denna nya lagstiftning i avtalet.

Denna nya lagstiftning föregriper lagstiftning som skall vara tillämplig
under EES-avtalet så snart de interna procedurerna för dess införlivande
i EES-avtalet har slutförts.

Artikel 19.3 i avtalet föreskriver att avtalet skall upphöra att gälla den
dag ett avtal mellan gemenskapen och EFTA-stater om EES träder i

I syfte att säkerställa att målet för avtalet, ett enhetligt regelsystem för
gemenskapen, Norge och Sverige, skall uppnås även efter det att EES-av-
talet trätt i kraft för den tid som krävs för att fullfölja procedurerna för
att lägga till lagstiftningen till EES-avtalet, är det viktigt att avtalet förblir
gällande för en begränsad tidsperiod.

Med hänsyn till dessa exceptionella omständigheter strider detta avtal inte
på något sätt mot regleringen i EES-avtalet och speciellt inte på tillämp-
ningen av artikel 120 i EES-avtalet.



Artikel 19.3 i avtalet skall ersättas med följande:

Detta avtal skall upphöra att gälla den dag ett avtal mellan EG-
statema och EFTA-stater om EES träder i kraft.

Dock skall, såvitt gäller rättsakterna som omnämns i bilaga 1 och
som är antagna i enlighet med artikel 12.3, detta avtal fortsätta att

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 2

tillämpas i den utsträckning samma frågor inte regleras av EES- Prop. 1992/93:202
avtalet.                                                                  Bilaga 2

Om detta avtal har fortsatt att tillämpas delvis under 18 månader
sedan EES-avtalet trätt i kraft, skall Blandade kommittén mötas för
att besluta om detta avtals fortsatta giltighet. Om Blandade
kommittén inte beslutar annat, skall detta avtal upphöra att gälla två
år efter det att EES-avtalet har trätt i kraft.

I fall när tillämpningen av denna artikel står i strid med före-
skrifterna i EES-avtalet, skall det senare avtalet äga företräde.


Detta avtal skall godkännas eller ratificeras i enlighet med avtalsparternas
egna procedurer och parterna skall underrätta varandra om slutförandet
av de nödvändiga procedurerna för detta.

Detta avtal träder i kraft den dag då det sista ratifikationsinstrumentet har
deponerats. Det skall publiceras i Europeiska gemenskapernas officiella

Detta avtal och ratifikationsinstrumenten skall deponeras i arkiven på
Ministerrådets sekretariat, vilket skall överlämna en bestyrkt kopia till
var och en av de avtalsslutande parterna.


Detta avtal har upprättats på alla gemenskapens officiella språk: danska,
holländska, engelska, franska, tyska, grekiska, italienska, portugisiska,
spanska samt på norska och svenska språken. Alla texterna äger lika


24. 8. 92

Official Journal of the European Communities

Prop. 1992/93:202

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No L 240/1


(Acts tuhose publication is obligatory)

of 23 July 1992
on licensing of air carriers


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community, and in partieular Artide 84 (2)

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (*),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (3),

Whereas it is important to establish an air transport policy
for the intemal market over a period expiring on 31
December 1992 as provided for in Artide 8a of the

Whereas the intemal market shall comprise an area
without intemal frontiers in which the free movement of
goods, persons, services and capitai is ensured;

Whereas the application in the air transport sector of the
prindple of the freedom to provide services needs to take
into account the specific characterjstics of that sector;

Whereas in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 of 24
July 1990 on access for air carriers to scheduled
intra-Community air service routes and on the sharing of
passenger capadty between air carriers on scheduled air
services between Member States (4) the Council dedded to
adopt for implementation not later than 1 July 1992
common rules goveming the licensing of air carriers;

(*) OJ No C 258, 4. 10. 1991, p. 2.

(2) OJ No C 125, 18. 5. 1992, p. 140.

(3) OJ No C 169, 6. 7. 1992, p. 15.
(41)OJ No L 217, 11. 8. 1990, p. 8.

Whereas, however, it is necessary to allow Member States a
reasonable period, until 1 January 1993, for the
application of this Regulation;

Whereas it is important to define non-descriminatory
requirements in relation to the location and control of an
undertaking applying for a licence;

Whereas in order to ensure dependable and adequate
service it is necessary to ensure that an air carrier is at all
times operating at sound economic and high safety levels;

Whereas for the protection of users and other parties
concemed it is important to ensure that air carriers are
sufficiently insured in respect of liability risks;

Whereas within the intemal market air carriers should be
able to use aireraft owned anywhere in the Community,
without prejudice to the responsibilities of the licensing
Member State with respect to the technical fitness of the

Whereas it should also be possible to lease aireraft
registered outside the Community for a short term or in
exceptional drcumstances, providing safety standards are
equivalent to those applicable within the Community;

Whereas procedures for the granting of licences to air
carriers should be transparent and non-discriminatory,


Articie 1

1. This Regulation concems requirements for the granting
and maintenance of operating licences by Member States in
relation to air carriers established in the Community.


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2. The carriage by air of passengers, mail and/or cargo,
performed by non-power driven aireraft and/or ultra-light
power driven aireraft, as well as local flights not involving
carriage between different airports, are not subject to this
Regulation. In respect of these operations, national law
conceming operating licences, if any, and Community and
national law concerning the air operator’s certificate (AOC)
shall apply.

Articie 2

For the purposes of this Regulation:

(a) ‘undertaking’ means any natural person, any legal
person, whether profit-making or not, or any official
body whether having its own legal personality or not;

(b) ‘air carrier’ means an air transport undertaking with a
valid operating licence;

(c) ‘operating licence’ means an authorization granted by
the Member State responsible to an undertaking,
permitting it to carry out carriage by air of passengers,
mail and/or cargo, as stated in the operating licence,
for remuneration and/or hire;

(d) ‘air operator’s certificate (AOC)’ means a document
issued to an undertaking or a group of undertakings by
the competent authorities of the Member States which
affirms that the operator in question has the
professional ability and organization to secure the safe
operation of aireraft for the aviation activities specified
in the certificate;

(e) ‘business plan’ means a detailed description of the air
carrier’s intended commercial activities for the period in
question, in partieular in relation to the market
development and investments to be carried out,
ineluding the financial and economic implications of
these activities;

(f) ‘management account’ means a detailed statement of
income and costs for the period in question ineluding a
breakdown between air-transport-related and other
activities as well as between pecuniary and
non-pecuniary elements;

(g) ‘effeetive control’ means a relationship constituted by
rights, contracts or any other means which, either
separately or jointly and having regard to the
considerations of faet or law involved, confer the
possibility of directly or indirectly exercising a decisive
influence on an undertaking, in partieular by:

(a) the right to use all or part of the assets of an

(b) rights or contracts which confer a decisive influence
on the composition, voting or decisions of the
bodies of an undertaking or otherwise confer a
decisive influence on the running of the business of
the undertaking.

Articie 3

1.  Without prejudice to Articie 5 (5), Member States shall
not grant operating licences or maintain them in force
where the requirements of this Regulation are not complied

2.  An undertaking meeting the requirements of this
Regulation shall be entitled to receive an operating licence.
Such licence does not confer in itself any rights of access to
specific routes or markets.

3.  Without prejudice to Articie 1 (2), no undertaking
established in the Community shall be permitted within the
territory of the Community to carry by air passengers, mail
and/or cargo for remuneration and/or hire unless the
undertaking has been granted the appropriate operating

Operating licence

Articie 4

1.  No undertaking shall be granted an operating licence
by a Member State unless:

(a) its principal place of business and, if any, its registered
office are located in that Member State; and

(b) its main occupation is air transport in isolation or
combined with any other commercial operation of
aireraft or repair and maintenance of aireraft.

2. Without prejudice to agreements and conventions to
which the Community is a contracting party, the
undertaking shall be owned and continue to be owned
directly or through majority ownership by Member States
and/or nationals of Member States. It shall at all times be
effectively controlled by such States or such nationals.

3. (a) Notwithstanding paragraphs 2 and 4, air carriers

which have already been recognized in Annex I to
Council Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 and
Council Regulation (EEC) No 294/91 of 4
February 1991 on the operation of air cargo
services between Member States (’) shall retain their
rights under this and associated Regulations as long
as they meet the other obligations in this Regulation
and they continue to be controlled directly or
indirectly by the same third countries and/or by
nationals of the same third country as those
exercising such control at the time of adoption of
this Regulation. Such control may, however, be
transferred to Member States and/or to Member
State nationals at any time.

(’) OJ No L 36, 8. 2. 1991, p. 1.


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No L 240/3

(b) The possibility of buying and selling shares under
subparagraph (a) does not cover nationals who have
a significant interest in an air carrier of a third

plan two months in advance of the period to which it refers
shall constitute sufficient notice under this paragraph for
the purpose of changes to current operations and/or
circumstances which are included in that business plan.

4.  Any undertaking which directly or indirectly
participates in a controlling shareholding in an air carrier
shall meet the requirements of paragraph 2.

5.  An air carrier shall at all times be able on request to
demonstrate to the Member State responsible for the
operating licence that it meets the requirements of this
Articie. The Commission acting at the request of a Member
State shall examine compliance with the requirements of
this Articie and take a decision if necessary.

Articie 5

4. If the licensing authority deems the changes notified
under paragraph 3 to have a significant bearing on the
finances of the air carrier, it shall require the submission of
a revised business plan incorporating the changes in
question and covering, at least, a period of 12 months from
its date of implementation, as well as all the relevant
information, ineluding the data referred to in part B of the
Annex, to assess whether the air carrier can meet its
existing and potential obligations during that period of 12
months. The licensing authority shall take a decision on the
revised business plan not later than three months after all
the necessary information has been submitted to it.

1.  An applicant air transport undertaking to which an
operating licence is granted for the first time must be able
to demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaetion of the
competent authorities of the licensing Member State that:

(a) it can meet at any time its aetual and potential
obligations, established under realistic assumpdons, for
a period of 24 months from the start of operations;

(b) it can meet its fixed and operational costs ineurred from
operations according to its business plan and
established under realistic assumpdons, for a period of
three months from the start of operations, without
taking into account any income from its operations.

2.  For the purpose of paragraph 1, each applicant shall
submit a business plan for, at least, the first two years of
operation. The business plan shall also detail the
applicanfs financial links with any other commercial
activities in which the applicant is engaged either directly or
through related undertakings. The applicant shall also
provide all relevant information, in partieular the data
referred to in part A of the Annex.

3.  An air carrier shall notify in advance to its licensing
authority plans for: operation of a new scheduled service or
a non-scheduled service to a continent or world region not
previously served, changes in the type or number of aireraft
used or a substantial change in the scale of its activities. It
shall also notify in advance any intended mergers or
acquisitions and shall notify its licensing authority within
fourteen days of any change in the ownership of any single
shareholding which represents 10 % or more of the total
shareholding of the air carrier or of its parent or ultimate
holding company. The submission of a 12*month business

5. Licensing authorities may, at any time and in any event
whenever there are clear indications that financial problems
exist with an air carrier licensed by them, assess its
financial performance and may suspend or revoke the
licence if they are no longer satisfied that the air carrier can
meet its aetual and potential obligations for a 12-month
period. Licensing authorities may also grant a temporary
licence pending financial reorganization of the air carrier
provided safety is not at risk.

6. An air carrier shall provide to its licensing authority
every financial year without undue delay the audited
accounts relating to the previous finandal year. At any time
upon request of the licensing authority an air carrier shall
provide the information relevant for the purposes of
paragraph 5 and, in partieular, the data referred to in part
C of the Annex.

7. (a) Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of this Articie shall not
apply to air carriers exclusively engaged in
operations with aireraft of less than 10 tonnes mto w
(maximum take off weight) and/or less than 20
seats. Such air carriers shall at all times be able to
demonstrate that their net Capital is at least ECU
80 000 or to provide when required by the licensing
authority the information relevant for the purposes
of paragraph 5. A Member State may nevertheless
apply paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 to air carriers
licensed by it that operate scheduled services or
whose tumover exceeds ECU 3 million per year.


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(b) The Commission may, after Consulting the Member
States, increase as appropriate the values referred to
in subparagraph (a) if economic developments
indicate the necessity of such a decision. Such
change shall be published in the Official Journal of
the European Communities.

(c) Any Member State may refer the Commission’s
decision to the Council within a time limit of one
month. The Council, acting by a qualified majority,
may in exceptional circumstances take a different
decision within a period of one month.

Articie 6

1. Where the competent authorities of a Member State
require, for the purpose of issuing an operating licence,
proof that the persons who will continuously and
effectively manage the operations of the undertaking are of
good repute or that they have not been declared bankrupt,
or suspend or revoke the licence in the event of serious
professional misconduct or a criminal offence, that
Member State shall accept as sufficient evidence in respect
of nationals of other Member States the production of
documents issued by competent authorities in the Member
State of origin or the Member State from which the foreign
national comes showing that those requirements are met.

Where the competent authorities of the Member State of
origin or of the Member State from which the foreign
national comes do not issue the documents referred to in
the first subparagraph, such documents shall be replaced
by a dedaration on oath — or, in Member States where
there is no provision for dedaration on oath, by a solemn
dedaration — made by the person concemed before a
competent judicial or administrative authority or, where
appropriate, a notary or qualified professional body of the
Member State of origin or the Member State from which
the person comes; such authority or notary shall issue a
certificate attesting the authentidty of the dedaration on
oath or solemn dedaration.

2. The competent authorities of Member States may
require that the documents and certificates referred to in
paragraph 1 be presented no more than three months after
their date of issue.

Articie 7

An air carrier shall be insured to cover liability in case of
accidents, in partieular in respect of passengers, luggage,
cargo, mail and third parties.

Articie 8

1. Ownership of aireraft shall not be a condition for
granting or maintaining an operating licence but a Member
State shall require, in relation to air carriers licensed by it
that they habe one or more aireraft at their disposal,
through ownership or any form of lease agreement.

2. (a) Without prejudice to paragraph 3, aireraft used by

an air carrier shall be registered, at the option of the
Member State issuing the operating licence, in its
national register or within the Community.

(b) If a lease agreement for an aireraft registered within
the Community has been deemed acceptable under
Artide 10, a Member State shall not require the
registration of that aireraft on its own register if this
would require struetural changes to the aireraft.

3.  In the case of short-term lease agreements to meet
temporary needs of the air carrier or otherwise in
exceptional circumstances, a Member State may grant
waivers to the requirement of paragraph 2 (a).

4. When applying paragraph 2 (a) a Member State shall,
subject to applicable laws and regulations, induding those
relating to airworthiness certification, accept on its
national register, without any discriminatory fee and
without delay, aireraft owned by nationals of other
Member States and transfers from aireraft registers of other
Member States. No fee shall be applied to transfer of
aireraft in addition to the normal registration fee.

Air operatons certificates (AOC)

Articie 9

1.  The granting and validity at any time of an operating
licence shall be dependent upon the possession of a valid
AOC specifying the activities covered by the operating
licence and complying with the criteria established in the
relevant Council Regulation.

2.  Until such time as the Council Regulation referred to in
paragraph 1 is applicable, national regulations conceming
the AOC, or equivalent title conceming the certification of
air transport operators, shall apply.

Articie 10

1.  For the purposes of ensuring safety and liability
standards an air carrier using an aireraft from another
undertaking or providing it to another undertaking shall
obtain prior approval for the operation from the
appropriate licensing authority. The conditions of the
approval shall be part of the lease agreement between the

2. A Member State shall not approve agreements leasing
aireraft with erew to an air carrier to which it has granted
an operating licence unless safety standards equivalent to
those imposed under Articie 9 are met.


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No L 240/5

General provisions

Articie 11

4. Decisions by Member States to grant or revoke
operating licences shall be published in the Official Journal
of the European Communities.

1.  An operating licence shall be valid as long as the air
carrier meets the obligations of this Regulation. However,
a Member State may make provision for a review one year
after a new operating licence has been granted and every
five years thereafter.

2. When an air carrier has ceased operations for six
months or has not started operations for six months after
the granting of an operating licence, the Member State
responsible shall decide whether the operating licence shall
be resubmitted for approval.

3.  In relation to air carriers licensed by them, Member
States shall decide whether the operating licence shall be
resubmitted for approval in case of change in one or more
elements affecting the legal situation of the undertaking
and, in partieular, in the case of mergers or takeovers. The
air carrier(s) in question may continue its (their) operations
unless the licensing authority decides that safety is at risk,
stating the reasons.

Articie 12

An air carrier against which insolvency or similar
proceedings are opened shall not be permitted by a
Member State to retain its operating licence if the
competent body in that Member State is convinced that
there is no realistic prospect of a satisfaetory financial
reconstruction within a reasonable time.

Articie 13

1.  Procedures for the granting of operating licences shall
be made public by the Member State concemed and the
Commission shall be informed.

2. The Member State concemed shall take a decision on
an application as soon as possible, and not later than three
months after all the necessary information has been
submitted, taking into account all available evidence. The
decision shall be communicated to the applicant air
transport undertaking. A refusal shall indicate the reasons

3. An undertaking whose application for an operating
licence has been refused may refer the question to the
Commission. If the Commission finds that the
requirements of this Regulation have not been fulfilled it
shall State its views on the correct interpretation of the
Regulation without prejudice to Articie 169 of the

Articie 14

1.  In order to carry out its duties under Articie 4 the
Commission may obtain all necessary information from the
Member States concemed, which shall also ensure the
provision of information by air carriers licensed by them.

2. When the information requested is not supplied within
the time limit fixed by the Commission, or is supplied in
incomplete form, the Commission shall by decision
addressed to the Member State concemed require the
information to be supplied. The decision shall specify what
information is required and fix an appropriate time limit
within which it is to be supplied.

3.  If the information required under paragraph 2 is not
provided by the time limit set or the air carrier has not
otherwise demonstrated that it meets the requirements of
Articie 4, the Commission shall, except where special
circumstances exist, forthwith inform all Member States of
the situation. Member States may, until notified by the
Commission that documentation has been provided to
demonstrate the fulfilment of the requirements in question,
suspend any market access rights to which the air carrier is
entitled un.der Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of
23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to
intra-Comunity air routes f1).

Articie 15

In addition to the rules of this Regulation the air carrier
shall also respect the requirements of national law
compatible with Community law.

Articie 16

Notwithstanding Articie 3(1), operating licences in force in
a Member State at the date of entry into force of the
Regulation shall remain valid, subject to the laws on the
basis of which they were granted, for a maximum period of
one year except in the case of Articie 4 (1) (b) for which a
maximum period of three years shall apply, during which
periods the air carriers holding such licences shall make the
necessary arrangements to conform with all the
requirements of this Regulation. For the purposes of this
Articie, carriers holding operating licences shall be deemed

(’) See page 8 of this Official Journal.


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24. 8. 92

to include carriers legitimately operating with a valid AOC
at the date of entry into force of this Regulation but
without holding such licences.

This Articie shall be without prejudice to Articie 4 (2) (3)
(4) and (5) and Articie 9, except that air carriers which
operated by virtue of exemptions prior to the entry into
force of this Regulation may continue to do so, for a period
not exceeding the maximum periods specified above,
pending enquiries by Member States as to their compliance
with Articie 4.

Articie 17

Member States shall consult the Commission before
adopting laws, regulations or administrative provisions in
implementation of this Regulation. They shall

communicate any such measures to the Commission when

Articie 18

1. Member States and the Commission shall cooperate in
implementing this Regulation.

2.  Confidential information obtained in application of
this Regulation shall be covered by professional secrecy.

Articie 19

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1993.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 23 July 1992

For the Council

The President



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Prop. 1992/93:202

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No L 240/7


Information for use in association with Artide 5 of financial fitness of air carriers

A. Information to be provided by a first-time applicant from a financial fitness point of view

1. The most recent intemal management accounts and, if available, audited accounts for the previous
financial year.

2. A projeeted balance sheet, ineluding profit and loss account, for the following two years.

3. The basis for projeeted expenditure and income figures on such items as fuel, fares and rates, salaries,
maintenance, depredation, exchange rate fluctuations, airport charges, insurance, etc. Traffic/revenue

4. Details of the start-up costs ineurred in the period from submission of application to commencement of
operations and an explanation of how it is proposes to finance these costs.

5. Details of existing and projeeted sources of finance.

6. Details of shareholders, ineluding nationality and type of shares to be held, and the Artides of
Association. If part of a group of undertakings, information on the relationship between them.

7. Projeeted cash-flow statements and liquidity plans for the first two years of operation.

8. Details of the finandng of aireraft purchase/leasing induding, in the case of leasing, the terms and
conditions of contract.

B. Information to be provided for assessment of the continuing finandal fitness of existing licence holders
planning a change in their struetures or in their activities with a significant bearing on their finances

1. If necessary, the most recent intemal management balance sheet and audited accounts for the previous
financial year.

2. Predse details of all proposed changes e.g. change of type of service, proposed takeover or merger,
modifications in share Capital, changes in shareholders, etc.

3. A projeeted balance sheet, with a profit and loss account, for the current finandal year, induding all
proposed changes in struerure or activities with a significant bearing on finances.

4. Past and projeeted expenditure and income figures on such items as fud, fares and rates, salaries,
maintenance, depredation, exchange rate fluctuations, airport charges, insurance, etc. Traffic/revenue

5. Cash-flow statements and liquidity plans for the following year, induding all proposed changes in
struerure or activities with a significant bearing on finances.

6. Details of the finandng of aireraft purchase/leasing induding, in the case of leasing, the terms and
conditions of contract.

C. Information to be provided for assessment of the continuing financial fitness of existing licence holders

1. Audited accounts not later than six months after the end of the relevant period and, if necessary, the
most recent intemal management balance sheet.

2. A projeeted balance sheet, induding profit and loss account, for the fortheoming year.

3. Past and projeeted expenditure and income figures on such items as fuel, fares and rates, salaries,
maintenance, depredation, exchange rate fluctuations, airport charges, insurance, etc. Traffic/revenue

4. Cash-flow statements and liquidity plans for the following year.


3 Riksdagen 1992/93. 1 saml. Nr 292

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Prop. 1992/93:202

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Official Journal of the European Communities                          24. 8. 92


of 23 July 1992

on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community, and in partieular Articie 84 (2)

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (>),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (3),

Whereas it is important to establish an air transport policy
for the intemal market over a period expiring on 31
December 1992 as provided for in Articie 8a of the

Whereas the intemal market shall comprise an area
without intemal frontiers in which the free movement of
goods, persons, services and Capital is ensured;

Whereas Council Decision 87/602/EEC of 14 December
1987 on the sharing of passenger capacity between air
carriers on scheduled air services between Member States
and on access for air carriers to scheduled air service routes
between Member States (4) and Council Regulation (EEC)
No 2343/90 of 24 July 1990 on access for air carriers to
scheduled intra-Community air service routes and on the
sharing of passenger capacity between air carriers on
scheduled air services between Member States (5) constitute
the first steps towards achieving the intemal market in
respect of apeess for Community air carriers to schedules
intra-Community air routes;

Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 provides that the
Council shall decide on the revision of that Regulation by
30 June 1992 at the latest;

Whereas in Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 the Council
decided to adopt rules goveming route licensing for
implementation not later than 1 July 1992;

(’) OJ No C 258, 4. 10. 1991, p. 2.

(2) OJ No C 125, 18. 5. 1992, p. 146.

(3) OJ No C 169, 6. 7. 1992, p. 15.

(<) OJ No L 374, 31. 12. 1987, p. 19.

(s) OJ No L 217, 11. 8. 1990, p. 8.

Whereas in Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 the Council
decided to abolish capacity restrictions between Member
States by 1 January 1993;

Whereas in Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 the Council
confirmed that cabotage traffic rights are an integral part of
the intemal market;

Whereas arrangements for greater cooperation over the use
of Gibraltar airport were agreed in London on 2 December
1987 by the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom in
a joint dedaration by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of
the two countries, and such arrangements have yet to come
into operation;

Whereas the development of the air traffic system in the
Greek islands and in the Atlantic islands comprising the
autonomous region of the Azores is at present inadequate
and for this reason airports situated on these islands should
be temporarily exempted from the application of this

Whereas it is necessary to abolish restrictions conceming
multiple designation and fifth-freedom traffic rights and
phase in cabotage rights in order to stimulate the
development of the Community air transport sector and
improve services for users;

Whereas it is necessary to make special provision, under
limited circumstances, for public service obligations
necessary for the maintenance of adequate air services to
national regions;

Whereas it is necessary to make special provision for new
air services between regional airports;

Whereas for air transport planning purposes it is necessary
to give Member States the right to establish non-
discriminatory rules for the distribution of air traffic
between airports within the same airport system;

Whereas the exercise of traffic rights has to be consistent
with operational rules relating to safety, protection of the
environment and conditions conceming airport access and
has to be treated without discrimination;

Whereas, taking into account problems of congestion or
environmental problems, it is necessary to indude the
possibility of imposing certain limitations on the exercise of
traffic rights;


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Whereas, taking into account the competitive market
situation, provision should be made to prevent unjustifiable
economic effects on air carriers;

Whereas it is necessary to specify the duties of Member
States and air carriers for the purposes of providing
necessary information;

Whereas it is appropriate to ensure identical assessment
and evaluation of market access for the same types of air

Whereas it is appropriate to deal with all matters of market
access in the same Regulation;

Whereas this Regulation partially replaces Regulation
(EEC) No 2343/90 and Council Regulation (EEC) No
294/91 of 4 February 1991 on the operation of air cargo
services between Member States (*),


Articie 1

1.  This Regulation concems access to routes within the
Community for scheduled and non-scheduled air services.

2.  The application of this Regulation to the airport of
Gibraltar is understood to be without prejudice to the
respective legal positions of the Kingdom of Spain and the
United Kingdom with regard to the dispute over
sovereignty over the territory in which the airport is

3.  Application of the provisions of this Regulation to
Gibraltar airport shall be suspended until the arrangements
in the joint dedaration made by the Foreign Ministers of
the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom on 2
December 1987 have come into operation. The
Govemments of Spain and the United Kingdom will so
inform the Council on that date.

4.  Airports in the Greek islands and in the Altantic islands
comprising the autonomous region of the Azores shall be
exempted from the application of this Regulation until 30
June 1993. Unless otherwise decided by the Council, on a
proposal from the Commission, this exemption shall apply
for a further period of five years and may be continued for
five years thereafter.

Articie 2

For the purposes of this Regulation:

(a) ‘air carrier’ means an air transport undertaking with a
valid operating licence;

(b) ‘Community air carrier’ means an air carrier with a
valid operating licence granted by a Member State in
accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No
2407/92 of 23 July 1992 of licensing of air
carriers (2);

(c) ‘air service’ means a flight or a series of flights carrying
passengers, cargo and/or mail for remuneration and/or

(d) ‘scheduled air service’ means a series of flights
possessing all the following characteristics:

(i) it is performed by aireraft for the transport of
passengers, cargo and/or mail for remuneration, in
such a manner that on each flight seats are available
for individual purchase by members of the public
(either directly from the air carrier of from its
authorized agents);

(ii) it is operated so as to serve traffic between the same
two or more airports, either:

1. according to a published timetable; or

2. with flights so regular or frequent that they
constitute a recognizably systematic series;

(e) ‘flight’ means a departure from a specified airport
towards a specified destination airport;

(f) ‘traffic right’ means the right of an air carrier to carry
passengers, cargo and/or mail on an air service
between tow Community airports;

(g) ‘seat-only sales’ means the sale of seats, without any
other service bundled, such as accommodation, directly
to the public by the air carrier or its authorized agent or
a charterer;

(h) ‘Member State(s) concemed’ means the Member
State(s) between or within which an air service is

(i) ‘Member State(s) involved’ means the Member State(s)
concemed and the Member State(s) where the air
carrier(s) operating the air service is (are) licensed;

(j) ‘State of registration’ means the Member State in which
the licence referred to in (b) is granted;

(k) ‘airport’ means any area in a Member State which is
open for commercial air transport operations;

(l) ‘regional airport’ means any airport other than one
listed in Annex I as a category 1 airport;

(m) ‘airport system’ means two or more airports grouped
together as serving the same city or conurbadon, as
indicated in Annex II;

(>) OJ No L 36, 8. 2. 1991, p. 1.

(2) See page 1 of this Official Journal.


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(n) ‘capacity’ means the number of seats offered to the
general public on a scheduled air service over a given

(o) ‘public service obligation’ means any obligation
imposed upon an air carrier to take, in respect of any
route which it is licensed to operate by a Member
State, all necessary measures to ensure the provision of
a service satisfying fixed standards of continuity,
regularity, capacity and pricing, which standards the
air carrier would not assume if it were solely
considering its commercial interest.

Articie 3

1.  Subject to this Regulation, Community air carriers
shall be permitted by the Member State(s) concemed to
exercise traffic rights on routes within the Community.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, before 1 April 1997 a
Member State shall not be required to authorize cabotage
traffic rights within its territory by Community air carriers
licensed by another Member State, unless:

(i) the traffic rights are exercised on a service which
constitutes and is scheduled as an extension of a service
from, or as a preliminary of a service to, the State or
registration of the carrier;

(ii) the air carrier does not use, for the cabotage service,
more than 50 % of its seasonal capacity on the same
service of which the cabotage service constitutes the
extension or the preliminary.

3.  An air carrier operating cabotage services in
accordance with paragraph 2 shall furnish on request to the
Member State(s) involved all information necessary for the
implementation of the provisions of that paragraph.

4. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, before 1 April 1997 a
Member State may, without discrimination on grounds of
nationality of ownership and air carrier identity, whether
'incumbent or applicant on the routes concemed, regulate
access to routes within its territory for air carriers licensed
by it in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92
while otherwise not prejudging Community law and, in
partieular, competition rules.

Articie 4

1. (a) A Member State, following consultations with the
other Member States concemed and after having
informed the Commission and air carriers operating
on the route, may impose a public service obligation
in respect of scheduled air services to an airport
serving a peripheral or development region in its
territory or on a thin route to any regional airport

in its territory, any such route being considered vital
for the economic development of the region in
which the airport is located, to the extern necessary
to ensure on that route the adequate provision of
scheduled air services satisfying fixed standards of
continuity, regularity, capacity and pricing, which
standards air carriers would not assume if they were
solely considering their commercial interest. The
Commission shall publish the existence of this
public service obligation in the Official Journal of
the European Communities.

(b) The adequacy of scheduled air services shall be
assessed by the Member States having regard to:

(i)  the public interest;

(ii)  the possibility, in partieular for island regions,
of having recourse to other forms of transport
and the ability of such forms to meet the
transport needs under consideration;

(iii) the air fares and conditions which can be
quoted to users;

(iv) the combined effeet of all air carriers operating
or intending to operate on the route.

(c) In instances where other forms of transport cannot
ensure an adequate and uninterrupted service, the
Member States concemed may inelude in the public
service obligation the requirement that any air
carrier intending to operate the route gives a
guarantee that it will operate the route for a certain
period, to be specified, in accordance with the other
terms of the public service obligation.

(d) If no air carrier has commenced or is about the
commence scheduled air services on a route in
accordance with the public service obligation which
has been imposed on that route, then the Member
State may limit access to that route to only one air
carrier for a period of up to three years, after which
the situation shall be reviewed. The right to operate
such services shall be offered by public tender either
singly or for a group of such routes to any
Community air carrier entitled to operate such air
services. The invitation to tender shall be published
in the Official Journal of the European
Communities and the deadline for submission of
tenders not be earlier than one month after the day
of publication. The submissions made by air
carriers shall forthwith be communicated to the
other Member States concemed and to the


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(e) The invitation to tender and subsequent contract
shall cover, inter alia, the following points:

(i)   the standards required by the public service

(ii)  rules conceming amendment and termination
of the contract, in partieular to take account
of unforeseeable changes;

(iii)  the period of validity of the contract;

(iv)  penalties in the event of failure to comply with
the contract.

(f) The selection among the submissions shall be made
as soon as possible taking into consideration the
adequacy of the service, ineluding the prices and
conditions which can be quoted to users, and the
cost of the compensation required from the Member
State(s) concemed, if any.

(g) Notwithstanding subparagraph (f), a period of two
months shall elapse after the deadline for
submission of tenders before any selection is made,
in order to permit other Member States to submit

(h) A Member State may reimburse an air carrier,
which has been selected under subparagraph (f), for
satisfying standards required by a public service
obligation imposed under this paragraph; such
reimbursement shall take into account the costs and
revenue generated by the service.

(i) Member States shall take the measures necessary to
ensure that any decision taken under this Articie can
be reviewed effecdvely and, in partieular, as soon as
possible on the grounds that such dedsions have
infringed Community law or national rules
implementing that law.

(j) When a public service obligation has been imposed
in accordance with subparagraphs (a) and (c) then
air carriers shall be able to offer seat-only sales only
if the air service in question meets all the
requirements of the public service obligation.
Consequently that air service shall be considered as
a scheduled air service.

(k) Subparagraph (d) shall not apply in any case in
which another Member State concemed proposes a
satisfaetory alternative means of fulfilling the same
public service obligation.

2. Paragraph 1 (d) shall not apply to routes where other
forms of transport can ensure an adequate and
uninterrupted service when the capacity offered exceeds
30 000 seats per year.

3. At the request of a Member State which considers that
the development of a route is being unduly restrieted by the
terms of paragraph 1, or on its own initiative, the

Commission shall carry out an investigation and within
two months of receipt of the request shall take a dedsion
on the basis of all relevant faetors on whether paragraph 1
shall continue to apply in respect of the route concemed.

4. The Commission shall communicate its dedsion to the
Council and to the Member States. Any Member State may
refer the Commission’s dedsion to the Council within a
time limit of one month. The Council, acting by a qualified
majority, may take a different dedsion within a period of
one month.

Articie 5

On domestic. routes for which at the time of entry into
force of this Regulation an exdusive concession has been
granted by law or contract, and where other forms of
transport cannot ensure an adequate and uninterrupted
service, such a concession may continue until its expiry
date or for three years, whichever deadline comes first.

Articie 6

1. Notwithstanding Articie 3, a Member State may,
where one of the air carriers licensed by it has started to
operate a scheduled passenger air service with aireraft of no
more than 80 seats on a new route between regional
airports where the ca p ad ty does not exceed 30 000 seats
per year, refuse a scheduled air service by another air
carrier for a period of two years, unless it is operated with
aireraft of not more than 80 seats, or it is operated in such
a way that not more than 80 seats are available for sale
between the two airports in question on each flight.

2.  Artide 4 (3) and (4) shall apply in relation to
paragraph 1 of this Artide.

Articie 7

In operating air services, a Community air carrier shall be
permitted by the Member Statefs) concemed to combine air
services and use the same flight number.

Articie 8

1.  This Regulation shall not affeet a Member State’s right
to regulatc without discrimination on grounds of
nationality or identity of the air carrier, the distribution of
traffic between the airports within an airport system.

2.  The exerdse of traffic rights shall be subject to
published Community, national, regional or local
operational rules relating to safety, the protection of the
environment and the allocation of slots.


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3. At the request of a Member State or on its own
initiative the Commision shall examine the application of
paragraphs 1 and 2 and, within one month of receipt of a
request and after Consulting the Committee referred to in
Articie 11, decide whether the Member State may continue
to apply the measure. The Commission shall communicate
its decision to the Council and to the Member States.

4. Any Member State may refer the Commission’s
decision to the Council within a time limit of one month.
The Council, acting by a qualified majority, may in
exceptional circumstances take a different decision within a
period of one month.

5. When a Member State decides to constitute a new
airport system or modify an existing one it shall inform the
other Member States and the Commission. After having
verified that the airports are grouped together as serving
the same city or conurbation the Commission shall publish
a revised Annex II in the Official Journal of the European

Articie 9

1. When serious congestion and/or environmental
problems exist the Member State responsible may, subject
to this Articie, impose conditions on, limit or refuse the
exercise of traffic rights, in partieular when other modes of
transport can provide satisfaetory levels of service.

2. Action taken by a Member State in accordance with
paragraph 1 shall:

— be non-discriminatory on grounds of nationality or
identity of air carriers,

— have a limited period of validity, not exceeding three
years, after which it shall be reviewed,

— not unduly affeet the objectives of this Regulation,

— not unduly distort competition between air carriers,

— not be more restrictive than necessary in order to relieve
the problems.

3. When a Member State considers that action under
paragraph 1 is necessary it shall, at least three months
before the entry into force of the action, inform the other
Member States and the Commission, providing adequate
justification for the action. The action may be implemented
unless within one month or receipt of the information a
Member State concemed contests the action or the
Commission, in accordance with paragraph 4, takes it up
for further examination.

4. At the request of a Member State or on its own
initiative the Commission shall examine action referred to
in paragraph 1. When the Commission, within one month
of having been informed under paragraph 3, takes the
action up for examination it shall at the same time indicate

whether the action may be implemented, wholly or
partially, during the examination taking into account in
partieular the possibility of irreversible effeets. After
Consulting the Committee referred to in Articie 11 the
Commission shall, one month after having received all
necessary information, decide whether the action is
appropriate and in conformity with this Regulation and not
in any other way contrary to Community law. The
Commission shall communicate its decision to the Council
and the Member States. Pending such decision the
Commission may decide on interim measures ineluding the
suspension, in whole or in part, of the action, taking into
account in partieular the possibility of irreversible effeets.

5. Notwithstanding paragraphs 3 and 4, a Member State
may take the necessary action to deal with sudden
problems of short duration provided that such action is
consistent with paragraph 2. The Commission and the
Member Statefs) shall be informed without delay of such
action with its adequate justification. If the problems
necessitating such action continue to exist for more than 14
days the Member State shall inform the Commission and
the other Member States accordingly and may, with the
agreement of the Commission, prolong the action for
further periods of up to 14 days. At the request of the
Member Statefs) involved or on its own initiative the
Commission may suspend this action if it does not meet the
requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 or is otherwise
contrary to Community law.

6. Any Member State may refer the Commission’s
dedsion under paragraph 4 or 5 to the Council within a
time limit of one month. The Coundl, acting by a qualified
majority, may in exceptional circumstances take a different
dedsion within a period of one month.

7. When a dedsion taken by a Member State in
accordance with this Artide limits the activity of a
Community air carrier on an intra-Community route, the
same conditions or limitation shall apply to all Community
air carriers on the same route. When the dedsion involves
the refusal of new or additional services, the same
treatment shall be given to all requests by Community air
carriers for new or additional services on that route.

8. Without prejudice to Articie 8 (1) and except with the
agreement of the Member Statefs) involved, a Member
State shall not authorize an air carrier:

(a) to establish a new service, or

(b) to inerease the frequency of an existing service,

between a spedfic airport in its territory and another
Member State for such time as an air carrier licensed by
that other Member State is not permitted, on the basis of
slot-allocation rules as provided for in Articie 8 (2), to
establish a new service or to inerease frequencies on an


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existing service to the airport in question, pending the
adoption by the Council and the coming into force of a
Regulation on a code of conduct on slot allocation based
on the general principle of non-discrimination on the
grounds of nationality.

3. Furthermore, the Committee may be consulted by the
Commission on any other question conceming the
application of this Regulation.

4. The Committee shall draw up its rules of procedure.

Articie 10

1.  Capacity limitations shall not apply to air services
covered by this Regulation except as set out in Artides 8
and 9 and in this Artide.

2.  Where the application of paragraph 1 has led to serious
financial damage for the scheduled air carrier(s) licensed by
a Member State, the Commission shall carry out a review
at the request of that Member State and, on the basis of all
relevant factors, ineluding the market situation and in
partieular whether a situation exists whereby the
opportunities of air carriers of that Member State to
effectively compete in the market are unduly affeeted, the
financial posistion of the air carrier(s) concemed and the
capacity utilization achieved, shall take a decision on
whether the capacity for scheduled air services to and from
that State should be stabilized for a limited period.

3. The Commission shall communicate its decision to the
Council and to the Member States. Any Member State may
refer the Commission’$ decision to the Council within a
time limit of one month. The Council, acting by a qualified
majority, may in exceptional circumstances take a different
decision within a period of one month.

Articie 12

1.  In order to carry out its duties under this Regulation
the Commission may obtain all necessary information from
the Member States concemed, which shall also ensure the
provision of information by air carriers licensed by them.

2. When the information requested is not supplied within
the time limit fixed by the Commission, or is supplied in
incomplete form, the Commission shall by decision
addressed to the Member State concemed require the
information to be applied. The decision shall specify what
information is required and fix an appropriate time limit
whithin which it is to be supplied.

Articie 13

The Commission shall publish a report on the application
of this Regulation by 1 April 1994 and periodically

Articie 14

1. Member States and the Commission shall cooperate in
implementing this Regulation.

2.  Confidential information obtained in application of
this Regulation shall be covered by professional secrecy.

Articie 11

1. The Commission shall be assisted by an Advisory
Committee composed of the representatives of the Member
States and chaired by the representative of the

2. The Committee shall advise the Commission on the
application of Artides 9 and 10.

Articie 15

Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 and 294/91 are hereby
replaced with the exceptions of Artide 2 (e) (ii) and of
Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90, as interpreted
by Annex II to this Regulation, and Artide 2 (b) of and the
Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 294/91.

Articie 16

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1993.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 23 July 1992

For the Council

The President



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List of category 1 airports



Copenhagen airport system




Berlin airport system


Las Palmas





Paris airport system




Rome airport system
Milan airport system







London airport system



List of airport systems



Berlin-T egel / Schönefeld / T empelhof


Paris-Charles De Gaulle/Orly/Le Bourget


Rome-Fiumidno / Ciampino
Milan-Linate/Malpensa/Bergamo (Orio al Serio)
Venice-T essera / T reviso


London-Heathrow / Gatwick / Stanst ed


Interpretation referred to in Articie 15

Under the terms of Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 the air carrier Scanair, which is struetured and
organized exactly as Scandinavian Airlines System, is to be considered in the same way as the air carrier
Scandinavian Airlines System.


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No L 240/15

of 23 July 1992

on fares and rates for air services


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community, and in partieular Articie 84 (2)

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having. regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (3),

Whereas it is important to establish an air transport policy
for the internal market over a period expiring on 31
December 1992 as provided for in Articie 8a of the

Whereas the internal market shall comprise an area
without intemal frontiers in which the free movement of
goods, persons, services and Capital is ensured;

Whereas Council Dedsion 87/601/EEC of 14 December
1987 on fares for scheduled air services between Member
States (4) and Council Regulation (EEC) No 2342/90 of 24
July 1990 on fares for scheduled air services (s) constitute
the first steps towards achieving the intemal market in
respect of air fares;

Whereas air fares should normally be determined freely by
market forces;

Whereas it is appropriate to complement price freedom
with adequate safeguards for the interests of consumers
and industry;

Whereas it is appropriate to deal with all matters of pricing
in the same Regulation;

Whereas this Regulation replaces Regulation (EEC) No
2342/90 and partially replaces Council Regulation (EEC)
No 294/91 of 4 February 1991 on the operation of air
cargo services between Member States (6),

P) OJ No C 258, 4. 10. 1991, p. 2.

(2) OJ No C 125, 18. 5. 1992, p. 150.

(3) OJ No C 169, 6. 7. 1992, p. 15.

(4) OJ No L 374, 31. 12. 1987, p. 12.

(5) OJ No L 217, 11. 8. 1990, p. 1.

(«) OJ No L 36, 8. 2. 1991, p. 1.


Articie 1

1.  This Regulation concems the criteria and procedures to
be applied for the establishment of fares and rates on air
services for carriage wholly within the Community.

2.  Without prejudice to paragraph 3, this Regulation shall
not apply:

(a) to fares and rates charged by air carriers other than
Community air carriers;

(b) to fares and rates established by public service
obligation, in accordance with Council Regulation
(EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for
Community air carriers to intra-Community air
routes (7).

3. Only Community air carriers shall be entitled to
introduce new produets or lower fares than the ones
existing for identical produets.

Articie 2

For the purposes of this Regulation:

(a) ‘air fares’ means the prices expressed in ecus or in local
currency to be paid by passengers to air carriers or their
agents for the carriage of them and for the carriage of
their baggage on air services and any conditions under
which those prices apply, ineluding remuneration and
conditions offered to agency and other auxiliary

(b) ‘seat rates’ means the prices expressed in ecus or in local
currency to be paid by charterers to air carriers for the
carriage on air services of the charterer or its customers
and their baggage and any conditions under which
those prices apply, ineluding remuneration and
conditions offered to agency and other auxiliary

(c) ‘charter fares’ means the prices expressed in ecus or in
local currency to be paid by passengers to charterers for
services which constitute or inelude their carriage and
the carriage of their baggage on air services and any
conditions under which those prices apply, ineluding
remuneration and conditions offered to agency or other
auxiliary services;

(7) See page 8 of this Offidal Journal.


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(d) ‘cargo rates’ means the prices expressed in ecus or in
local currency to be paid for the carriage of cargo and
the conditions under which those prices apply,
ineluding remuneration and conditions offered to
agency and other auxiliary services;

(e) ‘standard cargo rates’ means the rates which the air
carrier would normally quote ineluding the availability
of normal discounts;

(f) ‘air service’ means a flight or a series of flights carrying
passengers, cargo and/or mail for remuneration
and/or hire;

(g) ‘air carrier’ means an air transport undertaking with a
valid operating licence.

(h) ‘Community air carrier’ means an air carrier with a
valid operating licence issued by a Member State in
accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No
2407/92 of 23 July 1992 on licensing of air
carriers (’);

(i) ‘Member State(s) concemed’ means the Member
State(s) between or within which the fare or rate is

(j) ‘Member State(s) involved’ means the Member State(s)
concemed and the Member State(s) where the air
carrier(s) operating the air service is (are) licensed;

(k) ‘basic fare’ means the lowest fully flexible fare,
available on a one way and retum basis, which is
offered for sale at least to the same extern as that of
any other fully flexible fare offered on the same air

Articie 3

Charter fares and seat and cargo rates charged by
Community air carriers shall be set by free agreement
between the parties to the contract of carriage.

Articie 4

Air carriers operating within the Community shall inform
the general public, on request, of all air fares and standard
cargo rates.

Articie 5

1.  Without prejudice to this Regulation, Community air
carriers shall freely set air fares.

2. Member State(s) concemed may, without
discrimination on grounds of nationality or identity of air
carriers, require air fares to be filed with them in the form
prescribed by them. Such filing shall not be required to be
submitted more than 24 hours (ineluding a working day)

(’) See page 1 of this Official Journal.

before the air fares come into effeet, except in the case of
matching of an existent fare for which no more than prior
notification is required.

3. Before 1 April 1997, a Member State may require that
air fares on domestic routes where no more than one
carrier licensed by it, or two carriers licensed by it under a
joint operation, operate have to be filed more than one
working day but no more than one month before the air
fares come into effeet.

4.  An air fare may be available for sale and carriage as
long as it is not withdrawn in accordance with Articie 6 or
Articie 7.

Articie 6

1. Subject to the procedures of this Articie, a Member
State concemed may decide, at any moment:

(a) to withdraw a basic fare which, taking into account the
whole fare struerure for the route in question and other
relevant faetors ineluding the competitive market
situation, is excessively high to the disadvantage of
users in relation to the long term fully-allocated
relevant costs of the air carrier ineluding a satisfaetory
retum on Capital;

(b) to stop, in a non-discriminatory way, further fare
decreases in a market, whether on a route or a group of
routes, when market forces have led to sustained
downward development of air fares deviating
significantly from ordinary seasonal pricing movements
and resulting in widespread losses among all air carriers
concemed for the air services concemed, taking into
account the long term fully-allocated relevant costs of
the air carriers.

2. A decision taken pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be
notified with reasons to the Commission and to all other
Member State(s) involved, as well as to the air carrier(s)

3.  If within fourteen days of the date of receiving
notification no other Member State concemed or the
Commission has notified disagreement stating its reasons
on the basis or paragraph 1, the Member State which has
taken the decision pursuant to paragraph 1 may instruet
the air carrier(s) concemed to withdraw the basic fare or to
abstain from further fare decreases, as appropriate.

4.  In the case of disagreement, any Member State
involved may require consultations to review the situation.
The consultations shall take place within 14 days of being
requested, unless otherwise agreed.


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Articie 7

1.  At the request of a Member State involved the
Commission shall examine whether a decision to act or not
to act pursuant to Articie 6 complies with the criteria of
Articie 6 (1). The Member State shall at the same time
inform the other Member Statefs) concemed and the air
carrier(s) concemed. The Commission shall forthwith
publish in the Official Journal of the European
Communities that the air fare(s) have been submitted for

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Commission may,
on the basis of a complaint made by a party with a
legitimate interest, investigate whether air fares comply
with the criteria of Articie 6 (1). The Commission shall
forthwith publish in the Official Journal of the European
Communities that the air fare(s) have been submitted for

3.  An air fare in force at the time of its submission for
examination in accordance with paragraph 1 shall remain
in force during the examination. However, where the
Commission, or the Council in accordance with paragraph
8, has decided within the previous six months that a similar
or lower level of the basic fare on the city-pair concemed
does not comply with the criteria of Articie 6(1) (a), the air
fare shall not remain in force during the examination.

Furthermore, where paragraph 6 has been applied, the air
carrier concemed may not, during the examination by the
Commission, apply a higher basic fare than the one which
was applicable immediately before the basic fare under

4. Following consultations with the Member States
concemed, the Commission shall take a decision as soon as
possible and in any event not later than twenty working
days after having received suffident information from the
air carrier(s) concemed. The Commission shall take into
account all information received from interested parties.

5.  When an air carrier does not supply the information
requested within the time limit fixed by the Commission, or
supplies it in incomplete form, the Commission shall be
decision require the information to be supplied. The
decision shall specify what information is required and fix
an appropriate time limit within which it is to be

6. The Commission may, by decision, decide that an air
fare in force shall be withdrawn pending its final

determination where an air carrier supplies incorrect
information or produces it in incomplete form or does not
supply it within the time limit fixed by decision under
paragraph 5.

7. The Commission shall without delay communicate its
reasoned decision under paragraphs 4 and 6 to the Member
State(s) concemed and to the air carrier(s) concemed.

8. A Member State concemed may refer the Commission’s
decision under paragraph 4 to the Council within a time
limit of one month. The Council, acting by a qualified
majority, may take a different decision within a period of
one month.

9. The Member States concemed shall ensure that the
Commission’s decision is enforced, unless the decision is
under examination by the Council or the Council has taken
a different decision in accordance with paragraph 8.

Articie 8

At least once a year the Commission shall consult on air
fares and related matters with representatives of air
transport user organizations in the Community, for which
purpose the Commission shall supply appropriate
information to participants.

Articie 9

The Commission shall publish a report on the application
of this Regulation by 1 April 1994 and periodically

Articie 10

1. Member States and the Commission shall cooperate in
implementing this Regulation, particularly as regards
collection of information for the report referred to in
Articie 9.

2. Confidential information obtained in application of
this Regulation shall be covered by professional secrecy.

Articie 11

Regulation (EEC) No 2342/90 is hereby repealed.

Articie 12

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1993.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 23 July 1992

For the Council

The President



No L 122/2

Official Journal of the European Communities

Prop. 1992/93:202

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of 14 May 1991

amending Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87 laying down the procedure for the
application of the rules on competition to undertakings in the air transport

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European

Economic Community, and in partieular Articie 87

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (‘),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament 0,

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (J),

Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 2342/90 of 24
July 1990 on fares for scheduled air services (4) and Regu-
lation (EEC) No 2343/90 0 conceming access to the
market and the sharing of passenger capacity provide for
further liberalization of the tariff system within the

Whereas, while the Community air transport policy will
enable carriers to compete on their merits and will thus
contribute to a more dynamic industry in the interests of
the air transport user, the Commission should be able to
take prompt action in cases where air carriers engage in
practices which are contrary to the competition rules and
which may threaten the viability of services operated by a
competitor or even the existence of an airline company
and thus cause irreversible damage to the competitive

Whereas it is appropriate to provide for a specific proce-
dure according to which the Commission may apply the
competition rules more prompdy in cases where there is
an urgend need to prevent, or act against, such anti-
competitive practices;

Whereas this procedure should provide the undertakings
concemed with the opportunity to comment in writing
on the matters to which objection is taken ;

(') OJ No C 155, 26. 6. 1990, p. 7 ; and

OJ No C 101, 18. 4. 1991, p. 19.

0 OJ No C 48, 25. 2 1991, p. 166.

0 OJ No C 41, 18. 2. 1991, p. 44.

0 OJ No L 217, 11. 8. 1990, p. 1.

0 OJ No L 217, 11. 8. 1990, p. 8.

Whereas it is therefore necessary to amend Regulation
(EEC) No 3975/87 0,


Articie 1

Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87 is hereby amended as
follows :

1. The following Articie shall be inserted :

Articie 4a

Interim measures against anti-competitive

1.   Without prejudice to the application of Articie 4

(1), where the Commission has clear prima facie
evidence that certain practices are contrary to Articie
85 or 86 of the Treaty and have the object or effeet of
directly jeopardizing the existence of an air service,
and where recourse to normal procedures may not be
sufficient to protect the air service or the airline
company concemed, it may by decision take interim
measures to ensure that these practices are not imple-
mented or cease to be implemented and give such
instruetions as are necessary to prevent the occurrence
of these practices until a decision under Articie 4 (1) is

2.   A decision taken pursuant to paragraph 1 shall
apply for a period not exceeding six months. Articie 8
(5) shall not apply.

The Commission may renew the initial decision, with
or without modification, for a period not exceeding
three months. In such case, Articie 8 (5) shall apply.’

2. The following shall be added to Articie 13 (1):

‘(e) to comply with any measure imposed by decision
taken under Articie 4a.’

3. In Articie 16 (1) ‘4a,’ shall be inserted after ‘4,’

Articie 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day
following its publication in the Official Journal of the
European Communities.

0 OJ No L 374, 31. 12 1987, p. 1.


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This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety arid directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 14 May 1991.

For the Council

The President



No L 240/18

Official Journal of the European Communities

Prop. 1992/93:202

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24. 8. 92

of 23 July 1992

amending Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87 laying down the procedure for the application of
the rules on competition to undertakings in the air transport sector


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community, and in partieular Artide 87

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (!),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (3),

Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87 (4) formed part of
a package of interrelated measures adopted by the Council
as a first step towards completing the intemal market in
transport; whereas its seope was accordingly limited to
intemational air transport between Community airports;

Whereas, therefore, the Commission has no means at
present of investigating directly cases of suspeeted
infringement of Artides 85 and 86 of the Treaty and lacks
the powers to take decisions or impose such penalties as are
necessary for it to authorize agreements under Artide 85
(3) and to bring to an end infringements established by it in
relation to transport within a Member State;

Whereas air transport entirely within a Member State is
now also subject to Community liberalization measures;
whereas it is therefore desirable for rules to be laid down
under which the Commission, action in dose and constant
liaison with the competent authorities of the Member
States, may take the requisite measures for the application
of Artides 85 and 86 of the Treaty to this area of air
transport, in situations where trade between Member
States may be affeeted;

Whereas there is a need to establish a secure and dear legal
framework for air transport within a Member State, while
ensuring consistent application of the competition rules;
whereas, therefore, the seope of Regulation (EEC) No
2975/87 should be extended to this area of air transport,


Articie 1

The word ‘intemational’ is hereby deleted from Artide 1
(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87.

Articie 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following
that of its publication in the Official Journal of the
European Communities.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 23 July 1992

For the Council

The President


(’) OJ No C 255, 30. 8. 1991’, p. 9.

(2) OJ No C 125, 18. 5. 1992, p. 130.

(3) OJ No C 169, 6. 7. 1992, p. 13.

(4) OJ No L 374, 31. 12. 1987, p. 1.


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Official Journal of the European Communities                       No L 240/19


of 23 July 1992

amending Regulation (EEC) No 3976/87 on the application of Articie 85 (3) of the Treaty
to certain categories of agreements and concerted practices in the air transport sector


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European

Economic Community, and in partieular Articie 87

seope of these block exemptions and the conditions
attached to them should be defined by the Commission, in
close liaison with the Member States, taking into account
changes to the competitive environment achieved since the
entry into force of Regulation (EEC) No 3976/87,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (J),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (3),

Whereas, in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC)
No 3975/87 of 14 December 1987 laying down the
procedure for the application of the rules of competition to
undertakings in the air transport sector (4), the
Commission now has power to implement the competition
rules in respect of air transport within a Member State;
whereas it is therefore desirable to provide for the
possibility of adopting block exemptions applicable to that
area of transport;

Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 3976/87 (5) empowers the
Commission to declare by way of Regulation that the
provisions of Articie 85 (1) do not apply to certain
categories of agreements between undertakings, decisions
by associations of undertakings and concerted practices;

Whereas the power to adopt these block exemptions was
granted for a limited period, expiring on 31 December
1992, to allow air carriers to adapt to the more competitive
environment resulting from changes in the regulatory
systems applicable to intra-Community intemational air

Whereas a continuation of block exemptions after that date
is justified by the further measures to liberalize the air
transport sector adopted by the Community; whereas the

(*) OJ No C 255, 30. 8. 1991, p. 10.

(2) Opinion delivered on 10 July 1992 (not yet published in the
Official Journal).

(3) OJ No C 169, 6. 7. 1992, p. 13.

(4) OJ No L 374, 31. 12. 1987, p. 1. Last amended by Regulation
(EEC) No 2410/92 (See page 18 of this Official Journal)

(5) OJ No L 374, 31. 12. 1987, p. 9. Amended by Regulation
(EEC) No 2344/90 (OJ No L 217, 11. 8. 1990, p. 15).


Articie 1

Regulation (EEC) No 3976/87 is hereby amended as

1. The word ‘intemational’ shall be deleted in Articie 1.

2. Articie 2 (2) shall be replaced by the following:

‘2. The Commission may, in partieular, adopt such
Regulations in respect of agreements, decisions or
concerted practices which have as their object any of
the following:

— joint planning and coordination of airline

— consultations on tariffs for the carriage of
passengers and baggage and of freight on scheduled
air services,

— joint operations on new less busy scheduled air

— slot allocation at airports and airport scheduling;
the Commision shall take care to ensure consistency
with the Code of Conduct adopted by the

— common purchase, development and operation of
Computer reservation systems relating to
timetabling, reservations and ticketing by air
transport undertakings; the Commission shall take
care to ensure consistency with the Code of
Conduct adopted by the Council.’

3. Artide 3 shall be replaced by the following:

Articie 3

Any Regulation adopted pursuant to Artide 2 shall be
for a specified period.


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It may be repealed or amended where circumstances
have changed with respect to any of the factors which
prompted its adoption; in such case, a period shall be
fixed for amendment of the agreements and concerted
practices to which the earlier Regulation applied before
repeal or amendment.’

4. Articie 8 shall be deleted.

Articie 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day
following that of its publication in the Official Journal of
the European Communities.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 23 July 1992.

For the Council

The President



No L 373/4

Official Journal of the European Communities

Prop. 1992/93:202

Bilaga 3

31. 12. 91

of 16 December 1991

on the harmonization of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of
civil aviation


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community, and in partieular Articie 84 (2)

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission f1),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (3),

the development and implementation of joint aviation
requirements (JARs) in all fields relating to the safety of
aireraft and their operation;

Whereas, under the common transport policy, technical
requirements and administrative procedures relating to the
safety of aireraft and their operation should be harmonized
on the basis of the JAR codes of the JAA;

Whereas the accession of all Member States to the JAA and
the participation of the Commission in its proceedings
would facilitate such harmonization;

Whereas, as provided for in Articie 8a of the Treaty,
measures should be adopted with the aim of progressively
establishing the intemal market over a period expiring on
31 December 1992; whereas the intemal market will
comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the
free movement of goods, persons, services and Capital is

Whereas a high general level of safety in civil aviation in
Europé should be maintained and current technical
requirements and administrative procedures in the Member
States should be raised to the highest standard currently
attained in the Community;

Whereas safety is a key faetor in Community air transport;
whereas account should be taken of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago on 7
December 1944, which provides for implementation of the
measures necessary to ensure the safe operation of

Whereas, in order to achieve the Community objectives as
regards freedom of movement of persons and produets and
also as regards the common transport policy, Member
States should accept the certification of produets and of
bodies and persons concemed with the design,
manufaeture, maintenance and operation of produets,
without further technical work or evaluation, when the
produet, organization or person has been certificated in
accordance with the common technical requirements and
administrative procedures;

Whereas safety problems may arise and, in such case,
Member States must take all appropriate measures as a
matter of urgency; whereas such measures must be duly
justified and, where the common technical requirements
and administrative procedures present shorteomings, it is
for the Commission, exercising its implementing powers, to
adopt the necessary amendments;

Whereas the current restrictions on the transfer of aireraft
and aviation produets and of certain services in the field of
aviation between Member States would cause distortions in
the intemal market;

Whereas the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), an
associated body of the European Civil Aviation Conference
(ECAC), have worked out arrangements to cooperate in

(*) OJ No C 270, 26. 10. 1990, p. 3.

(2) OJ No C 267, 14. 10. 1991, p. 154.

(3) OJ No C 159, 17. 6. 1991, p. 28.

Whereas it is desirable that funding by the Member States
of research to improve aviation safety be coordinated to
ensure optimum use of resources and to enable the
maximum benefit to be achieved;

Whereas it is appropriate to empower the Commission,
assisted by a committee of experts nominated by the
Member States, to make the amendments devoloped by the
JAA to the common technical requirements and
administrative procedures adopted by the Council,


4 Riksdagen 1992/93. 1 saml. Nr 202

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European Communities                     No L 373/5


Articie 1

1.  This Regulation shall apply to the harmonization of
technical requirements and administrative procedures in the
field of civil aviation safety as listed in Annex II, and in
partieular with respect to:

— the design, manufaeture, operation and maintenance of

— persons and organizations involved in these tasks.

2. The harmonized technical requirements and
administrative procedures referred to in paragraph 1 shall
apply to all aireraft operated by operators as defined in
Articie 2 (a), whether registered in a Member State or in a
third country.

Articie 2

1. For the purpose of this Regulation:

(a) ‘operator’ means a natural person residing in a Member
State or a legal person established in a Member State
using one or more aireraft in accordance with the
regulations applicable in that Member State, or a
Community air carrier as defined in Community

(b) ‘produet’ means a civil aireraft, engine, propeller or

(c) ‘appliance’ means any instrument, equipment,
mechanism, apparatus or accessory used or intended to
be used in operating an aireraft in flight, whether
installed in, intended to be installed in, or attached to,
a civil aireraft, but not forming part of an airframe,
engine or propeller;

(d) ‘component’ means a material, part or sub-assembly
not covered by the definitions in (b) or (c) for use on
civil aireraft, engines, propellers or appliances;

(e) ‘certification’ (of a produet, service, organization or
person) means any form of legal recognition that such a
produet, service, body or person complies with the
applicable requirements. Such certification comprises
two aets:

(i) the act of checking that technically the produet,
service, organization or person complies with the
applicable requirements; this act is referred to as
‘making the technical findings’;

(ii) the act of formal recognition of such compliance
with the applicable requirements by the issue of a
certificate, licence, approval or other document in

the manner required by national laws and
procedures; this act is referred to as ‘making the
legal findings’;

(f) ‘maintenance’ means all inspections, servioing,
modification and repair throughout the life of an
aireraft needed to ensure that the aireraft remains in
compliance with the type certification and offers a high
level of safety in all circumstances; this shall inelude in
partieular modifications imposed by the authorities
party to the arrangements referred to in (h) in
accordance with airworthiness checking concepts;

(g) ‘national variant’ means a national requirement or
regulation imposed by a country in addition to or
instead of a JAR;

(h) ‘arrangements’ means arrangements developed under
the auspices of the European Civil Aviation Conference
(ECAC) for cooperation in the development and
implementation of joint requirements in all fields
relating to the safety and safe operation of aireraft.
These arrangements are specified in Annex I.

Articie 3

Without prejudice to Artide 11, the common technical
requirements and administrative procedures applicable in
the Community with regard to the fields listed in Annex II
shall be the relevant codes referred to in that Annex and in
force on 1 January 1992.

Articie 4

1.  With regard to fields not listed in Annex II, the Council
shall adopt common technical requirements and
administrative procedures on the basis of Artide 84 (2) of
the Treaty. The Commission shall, where appropriate and
as soon as possible, submit suitable proposals in these

2.  Pending adoption of the proposals referred to in
paragraph 1 member States may apply the relevant
provisions of their existing national regulations.

Articie 5

Member States shall ensure that their responsible dvil
aviation authorities meet the conditions for membership of
the JAA specified in the arrangements and shall sign such
arrangements without reservation before 1 January 1992.

Articie 6

1. Member States shall, without further technical
requirements or evaluation, recognize produets designed,


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31. 12. 91

manufaetured, operated and maintained in compliance
with the common technical requirements and
administrative procedures where such produets have been
certificated by another Member State. When the original
recognition is for a partieular purpose, or purposes, any
subsequent recognition shall cover the same purposefs).

2. Existing produets and their derivatives which are not
certificated in accordance with the common technical
requirements and administrative procedure may be
accepted by a Member State under their current national
regulations pending the adoption of the common technical
requirements and administrative procedures applicable to
these produets pursuant to this Regulation.

Articie 7

Member States shall recognize the certification granted
pursuant to this Regulation by another Member State or by
a body acting on its behalf, to bodies or persons placed
under its jurisdiction and under its authority, who are
concemed with the design, manufaeture and maintenance
of produets, and the operation of aireraft.

Articie 8

1. None of the above provisions shall prevent a Member
State from reaeting immediately to a safety problem which
becomes apparent from an aeddent, incident or service
experience and involves either a produet designed,
manufaetured, operated or maintained in accordance with
this Regulation, or a person, procedure or body involved in
such tasks. If the safety problem results from:

— an inadequate safety level corresponding to the
application of the common technical requirements and
administrative procedures, or

— shorteomings in the common technical requirements
and administrative procedures,

the Member State shall forthwith inform the Commission
and the other Member States of the measures taken and the
reasons therefor.

2.  In the cases referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission
shall consult the Member States at the earliest opportunity.
If an inadequate level of safety or a shorteoming in the
common technical requirements and administrative
procedures is confirmed, the Commission shall make
appropriate proposals in accordance with the procedures
provided for in Articie 4 and/or Articie 11.

Articie 9

Member States shall take the necessary steps to coordinate
their research programmes to improve the safety of civil
aireraft and their operation and to inform the Commission

thereof. After Consulting the Member States, the
Commission may take any relevant initiative to promote
such national research programmes.

Articie 10

Member States shall notify the Commission of:

(a) any new or amended requirement or procedure
developed or adopted in accordance with procedures
laid down in the Arrangements; and

(b) any modification of the Arrangements; and

(c) the results of consultations with industry and other
interested bodies.

Articie 11

1. The Commission, following the procedure laid down in
Articie 12, shall make the amendments necessitated by
scientific and technical progress to the common technical
requirements and administrative procedures listed in Annex
II or adopted by the Council in accordance with Articie 4.

2. Where the amendments referred to in paragraph 1
contain a national variant for a Member State the
Commission, following the procedure laid down in Articie
12, shall decide whether or not to indude that variant in
the common technical requirements and administrative

Articie 12

1.  For the application of Artides 8, 9 and 11, the
Commission shall be assisted by a committee composed of
representatives of the Member States and chaired by the
Commission representative.

2.  The representative of the Commission shall submit to
the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The
committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a
time limit which the chairman may lay down according to
the urgency of the matter. The opinion shall be ddivered
by the majority laid down in Artide 148 (2) of the Treaty
in the case of dedsions which the Council is required to
adopt on a proposal from the Commission. The votes of
the representative of the Member States within the
committee shall be weighted in the manner set out in that
Artide. The chairman shall not vote.

3. (a) The Commission shall adopt the measures

envisaged if they are in accordance with the opinion
of the committee.

(b) If the measures envisaged are not in accordance
with the opinion of the committee, or if no opinion
is delivered, the Commission shall, without delay,


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submit to the Council a proposal relating to the
measures to be taken. The Council shall act by a
qualified majority.

(c) If, on the expiry of a period of three months from
the date of referral to the Council, the Council has
not acted, the proposed measures shall be adopted
by the Commission, save where the Council has
decided against the said measures by a simple

2. As part of the mutual assistance referred to in
paragraph 1 the Member States’ competent authorities shall
regularly exchange all available information on:

— infringements of this Regulation by non-residents and
penalties imposed in respect thereof,

— penalties imposed on its residents by a Member State in
respect of such infringements committed in other
Member States.

Articie 13

Articie 14

1. Member States shall assist one another in implementing
this Regulation and in monitoring its implementation.

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1992.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 16 December 1991.

For the Council

The President



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annex i

Arrangements referred to in Articie 2 (1) (h)

‘Arrangements conceming the Development, the Acceptance and the Implementation of Joint Aviation
Requirements (JAR)’, concluded in Cyprus on 11 September 1990.


Lists of codes in force containing the common technical requirements and administrative procedures referred to
in Articie 3

1. General and procedures


Definitions and abbreviations

2. Type certification of produets and parts

JAR 22

Sailplanes and powered sailplanes

JAR 25

Large aeroplanes


All weather operations


Engin es




Auxiliary power units


Technical standards orders


Very light aeroplanes

JAR 145

Approved maintenance organizations


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No L 373/21


(Acts ivhose publication is not obligatory)


of 16 December 1991
on mutual acceptance of personnel licences for the exercise of functions in civil aviation



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community, and in partieular Articie 84 (2)

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (x),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (3),

Whereas the existence in sufficient numbers of cockpit
personnel holding the necessary qualifications and licences
is vital for the smooth and safe running of air transport

Whereas also the completion of the intemal market by the
end of 1992 requires the existence of an effident air
transport system in order to fadlitate the movement of
persons within the Community;

Whereas air transport is a highly dynamic and rapidly
developing sector of a particularly intemational character;
whereas, therefore, the balance between supply and
demand in personnel can be maintained more effidently at
the Community than the national level;

Whereas it is therefore essential that the common transport
policy in the field of civil aviation be extended to fadlitate
the movement of cockpit personnel within the

Whereas the requirements for licences of cockpit personnel
differ between Member States;

Whereas the qualifications required for licences are not at
present laid down by the Community; whereas Member
States therefore retain the option of fixing the level of such
qualifications with a view to guaranteeing the safety of
services provided by aireraft registered on their territority;
whereas they may not, without infnnging their obligations
laid down in the Treaty, require a national of a Member
State to obtain those qualifications, which in general they
determine solely by reference to their own national
education and training systems, where the person
concemed has already acquired those qualifications in
another Member State;

Whereas in order to fadlitate compliance with Treaty
obligations and to ensure the mobility of cockpit personnel,
a Community procedure should be introduced for the
acceptance of licences and qualifications of such personnel;

(») OJ No C 10, 16. 1. 1990, p. 12; and OJ No C 175,
6. 7. 1991, p. 14.

(2) OJ No C 284, 12. 11. 1990, p. 198.

(3) OJ No C 124, 21. 5. 1990, s. 18.

Whereas the recognition of private pilots’ licences can
already be established in all Member States;


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Whereas, if in order to be permitted to operate aireraft
registered in a Member State other than that where they
obtained their licence, professional pilots have to be
subjeeted to additional tests, they should be offered the
possibility of sitting such tests as soon as possible;

Whereas training facilities available in Member States are
not always commensurate with demand; whereas in
conformity with Articie 7 of the Treaty, Member States
must admit nationals of other Member States to public
and private training establishments and professional
examinations on a non-discriminatory basis;

(d) recognition means the permission to use on an aireraft
registered in one Member State a licence issued in
another Member State, in accordance with the
privileges pertaining thereto;

(e) validation means the express dedaration by a Member
State that a licence issued by another Member State can
be used as one of its own;

(f) cockpit personnel means personnel holding a licence
and charged with duties essential to the operation of an
aireraft during flight time. This definition applies to
pilots, flight navigatörs and flight engineers.

Whereas in order to achieve full mutual recognition of
licences, the Council will adopt, taking account of progress
reached in the proceedings of intemational organizations,
before 1 January 1993, on a proposal by the Commission
to be submitted before 1 July 1992, the measures for
harmonized requirements in respect of licences and training
programmes; whereas each Member State will recognize
any licence which satisfies these requirements,


Articie 1

This Directive shall apply to procedures for mutual
acceptance of licences issued by Member States to civil
aviation cockpit personnel.

Articie 3

1.  A Member State shall accept, without undue delay or
addirional tests, any licence issued by another Member
State together with privileges and certificates pertaining

2.  Any person holding a private pilot’s licence issued by a
Member State shall be permitted to fly aireraft registered in
another Member State. This recognition shall be limited to
the exerdse of the privileges of the holder of a private
pilot’s licence and of assodated aireraft rarings under visual
flight rules (VFR) by day only in an aireraft certificated for
single-pilot operations.

Articie 2

For the purposes of this Directive

(a) licence means any valid document, issued by a Member
State, authorizing the holder to exercise funetions as a
member of the cockpit personnel on board a civil
aireraft registered in a Member State. This definition
also indudes rarings assodated with the document;

(b) rating means a statement entered on a licence, or in a
separate document, setting forth spedal conditions,
privileges or limitarions pertaining to such licence;

(c) acceptance of licences means any act of recognition or
validation by a Member State of a licence issued by
another Member State together with the privileges and
certificates pertaining thereto. The acceptance, which
may be effeeted through the issue by the Member State
of a licence of its own, shall not extend beyond the
period of validity of the original licence;

Articie 4

1.  Articie 3 (1) shall apply where a licence issued by a
Member State and presented to another Member State for
acceptance is based on requirements which are equivalent
to those of the host Member State. In order to enable the
competent authorities to assess the equivalence of licences
issued by other Member States, the Commission shall
make, and forward to all the Member States before
1 January 1992, a comparison of the requirements applied
in each Member State for issuing licences for the same

2. (a) Any Member State may ask the Commission for an

opinion on the equivalence of a licence, presented to
it for acceptance, within three weeks of receiving
the request.

(b) The Commission must deliver an opinion within
two months. The Member State concerned shall
then have a month to reply to the applicant.

(c) If a Member State does not ask the Commission for
an opinion, it shall be bound to reply to the
applicant within three months.


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(d) The periods referred to in (a), (b) and (c) above
shall stan to run when all the necessary information
is available.

3. If, after the examination of a licence by the Member
State to which it has been presented for acceptance,
reasonable doubts remain as to the equivalence of the
licence concemed, that Member State may,
notwithstanding the principles laid down in Articie 3(1),
consider that additional requirements and/or tests are
necessary to enable the licence to be accepted. The licence
holder, the Member State which issued the licence and the
Commission shall be informed thereof in writing. The
opportunity to take an additional test shall be given to the
licence holder by the host Member State to which the
icence is submitted for approval as soon as possible, and
in any event without discrimination on grounds of

t. Where the applicant has met the additional
requirements and/or has passed the required test(s) as laid
down in paragraph 3 the Member State concemed shall
forthwith accept the licence in question.

5. Notwithstanding the above, with respect to pilot’s
licences and notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 4, a Member
State shall accept any licence issued in accordance with the
requirements of Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention on
Intemational Civil Aviation if the bearer satisfies the
special validation requirements laid down in the Annex to
this Directive.

Articie 6

When a Member State issues, for reasons of equivalence, a
licence on the basis of a licence issued by a third country
together with the privileges and certificates pertaining
thereto, this shall be rccorded in the licence. Other Member
States shall not be obliged to accept any such licence.

Articie 7

1. After Consulting the Commission, Member States shall
brmg into force the laws, regulations and administrative
provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before
1 June 1992. They shall forthwith inform the Commission

2. When Member States adopt these measures, they shall
contain a reference to this Directive or shall be
accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their
official publication. The methods of making such a
reference shall be laid down by the Member States.

3. Member States shall communicate to the Commission
the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field
covered by this Directive.

4.  Member States shall assist one another in the
implementation of this Directive and shall, if need be,
exchange information on the licences they have accepted on
grounds of equivalence.

5.  The confidential information obtained pursuant to this
Directive shall be covered by professional secrecy.

Articie 8

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Articie 5

Member States shall ensure that nationals of other Member
States are admitted to public and private training
stablishments and to licensing examinations and
procedures on the same basis as applies to their own

Done at Brussels, 16 December 1991.

For the Council

The President



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Special validation requirements


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No L 14/1


(Acts whose publication is obligatory)


of 18 January 1993

on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community, and in partieular Articie 84 (2)

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission ('),

Having regard to the opinion of the European
Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social
Committee (J),

Whereas there is a growing imbalance between the
expansion of the air transport system in Europé and the
availability of adequate airport infrastrueture to meet that
demand ; whereas there is, as a result, an inereasing
number of congested airports in the Community;

Whereas the allocation of slots at congested airports
should be based on neutral, transparent and non-discrimi-
natory rules;

Whereas the requirement of neutrality is best guaranteed
when the decision to coordinate an airport is taken by the
Member State responsible for that airport on the basis of
objective criteria ;

Whereas under certain conditions, in order to facilitate
operations, it is desirable that a Member State should be
able to designate an airport as coordinated provided that
principles of transparency, neutrality and non-discrimina-
tion are met;

Whereas the Member State responsible for the coordi-
nated airport should ensure the appointment of a coordi-
nator whose neutrality should be unquestioned ;

Whereas transparency of information is an essential
element for ensuring an objective procedure for slot
allocation ;

Whereas the principles governing the existing system of
slot allocation could be the basis of this Regulation

(') OJ No C 43, 19. 2. 1991, p. 3.

(■*) OJ No C 13, 20. 1. 1992, p. 446.

(') OJ No C 339, 31. 12. 1991, p. 41.

provided that this system evolves in harmony with the
evolution of new transport developments in the Commu-
nity ;

Whereas it is Community policy to facilitate competition
and to encourage entrance into the market, as provided
for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July
1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-
Community air routes (4), and whereas these objectives
require strong support for carriers who intend to start
operations on intra-Community routes ;

Whereas the existing system makes provision for grand-
father rights ;

Whereas there should also be provisions to allow new
entrants into the Community market;

Whereas it is necessary to make special provisions, under
limited circumstances, for the maintenance of adequate
domestic air services to regions of the Member State
concemed ;

Whereas it is also necessary to avoid situations where,
owing to a lack of available slots, the benefits of liberaliza-
tion are unevenly spread and competition is distorted ;

Whereas it is desirable to make the best use of the
existing slots in order to meet the objectives set out

Whereas it is desirable that third countries offer Commu-
nity carriers equivalent treatment;

Whereas the application of the provisions of this Regula-
tion shall be without prejudice to the competition rules
on the Treaty, in partieular Artides 85 and 86 ;

Whereas arrangements for greater cooperation over the
use of Gibraltar airport were agreed in London on
2 December 1987 by the Kingdom of Spain and the
United Kingdom in a joint dedaration by the Ministers of
Foreign Affairs of the two countries, and such arrange-
ments have yet to come into operation ;

C) OJ No L 240, 24. 8. 1992, p. 8.


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Whereas this Regulation should be reviewed after a fixed
period of operation to assess its functioning,


Articie 1


1.   This Regulation shall apply to the allocation of slots
at Community airports.

2.   The application of this Regulation to the airport of
Gibraltar is understood to be without prejudice to the
respective legal positions of the Kingdom of Spain and
the United Kingdom with regard to the dispute over
sovereignty over the territory in which the airport is situ-

3.   Application of the provisions of this Regulation to
Gibraltar airport shall be suspended until the arrange-
ments in the joint declarations made by the Foreign
Ministers of the Kingdom of Spain and the United
Kingdom on 2 December 1987 have come into operation.
The Governments of Spain and the United Kingdom will
so inform the Council of that date.

Articie 2


For the purpose of this Regulation :

(a) ‘slot’ shall mean the scheduled time of arrival or
departure available or allocated to an aireraft move-
ment on a specific date at an airport coordinated
under the terms of this Regulation ;

(b) ‘new entrant’ shall mean :

(i) an air carrier requesting slots at an airport on any
day and holding or having been allocated fewer
than four slots at that airport on that day, or,

(ii) an air carrier requesting slots for a non-stop
service between two Community airport where at
most two other air carriers operate a direct service
between these airports or airports systems on that
day and holding or having been allocated fewer
than four slots at that airport on that day for that
non-stop service.

An air carrier holding more than 3 % of the total slots
available on the day in question at a partieular airport,
or more than 2 % of the total slots avilable on the day
in question in an airport system of which that airport
forms part, shall not be considered as a new entrant at
that airport ;

(c) ‘direct air service’ shall mean a service between two
airports ineluding stopovers with the same aireraft and
same flight number ;

(d) ‘scheduling period’ shall mean either the summer or
winter season as used in the schedules of air carriers ;

(e) ‘Community air carrier’ shall mean an air carrier with
a valid operating licence issued by a Member State in
accordance with Council Regulation (EEC)
No 2407/92 of 23 July 1992 on licensing of air
carriers (');

(f) ‘coordinated airport’ shall mean an airport where a
coordinator has been appointed to facilitate the opera-
tions of air carriers operating or intending to operate
at that airport;

(g) ‘fully coordinated airport’ shall mean a coordinated
airport where, in order to land or take off, during the
periods for which it is fully coordinated, it is necessary
for an air carrier to have a slot allocated by a coordi-
nator ;

(h) ‘airport system’ shall mean two or more airports
grouped together and serving the same city or conur-
bation, as indicated in Annex II to Regulation (EEC)
No 2408/92.

Articie 3

Conditions for airport coordination

1.   A Member State shall be under no obligation to
desginate any airport as coordinated save in accordance
with the provisions of this Articie.

2.   A Member State may, however, provide for any
airport to be designated as a coordinated airport provided
that principles of transparency, neutrality and non-discri-
mination are met

3. (i) When air carriers representing more than a half of

the operations at an airport and/or the airport
authority consider that capacity is insufficient for
aetual or planned operations at certain periods or

(ii) when new entrants encounter serious problems in
securing slots or

(iii) when a Member State considers it necessary,

the Member State shall ensure that a thorough capacity
analysis is carried out, having regard to commonly
recognized methods, as soon as possible at the airport
with the purpose of determining possibilites of inerea-
sing the capacity in the short term through infrastruc-
ture or operational changes, and to determine the time
frame envisaged to resolve the problems. The analysis,
shall be updated periodically. Both the analysis and the
method underlying it shall be made available to inte-
rested parties.

(') OJ No L 240, 24. 8. 1992, p. 1.


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4.    If, after consultation with the air carriers using the
airport regularly, their representative organizations, the
airport authorities, air traffic control authorities and
passengers’ organizations where such organizations exist,
the analysis does not indicate possibilities of resolving the
serious problems in the short term, the Member State
shall ensure that the airport shall be designated as fully
coordinated for the periods during which capacity
problems occur.

5.   When a capacity sufficient to meet aetual or planned
operations is provided at a fully coordinated airport, its
desgination as a fully coordinated airport shall be lifted.

Articie 4

The coordinator

1.   The Member State responsible for a coordinated or
fully coordinated airport shall ensure the appointment of
a natural or legal person with detailed knowledge of air
carrier scheduling coordination as airport coordinator
after having consulted the air carriers using the airport
regularly, their representative organizations and the
airport authorities. The same coordinator may be
appointed for more than one airport.

2.   A Member State shall ensure that the coordinator
carries out his duties under this Regulation in an inde-
pendent manner.

3.   The coordinator shall act in accordance with this
Regulation in a neutral, non-discriminatory and transpa-
rent way.

4.   The coordinator shall participate in such interna-
tional scheduling conferences of air carriers as are
permitted by Community law.

5.   The coordinator shall be responsible for the alloca-
tion of slots.

6.   The coordinator shall monitor the use of slots.

7.   Where slots are allocated, the coordinator shall, on
request and within a reasonable time, make available for
review to all interested parties the following information :

(a) historical slots by airline, chronologically, for all air
carriers at the airport,

(b) requested slots (initial submissions), by air carriers and
chronologically, for all air carriers,

(c) all allocated slots, and outstanding slot requests, listed
individually in chronologcial order, by air carriers, for
all air carriers,

(d) remaining available slots,

(e) full details on the criteria being used in the allocation.

8. The information in paragraph 7 shall be made
available at the latest at the time of the relevant schedu-
ling conferences and as appropriate during the confe-
rences and thereafter.

Articie 5

Coordination committee

1.   A Member State shall ensure that in an airport that
has been designated as fully coordinated a coordination
committee is set up to assist, in a consultative capacity,
the coordinator referred to in Articie 4. Participation in
this committee shall be open to at least the air carriers
and/or their representative organizations using the
airport(s) regularly, the airport authorities concemed and
representatives of the air traffic control. The same coordi-
nation committee may be designated for more than one

The tasks of the coordination committee shall be, inter
alia, to advise on :

— possibilities for inereasing the capacity determined in
accordance with Articie 6,

— improvements to traffic conditions prevailing at the
airport in question,

— complaints on the allocation of slots as provided for in
Articie 8 (7),

— the methods of monitoring the use of allocated slots,

— guidelines for allocation of slots, taking into account
local conditions,

— serious problems for new entrants as provided for in
Articie 10.

2.   Paragraph 1 may be applied to airports designated as
coordinated under the provisions of Articie 3.

Articie 6

Airport capacity

1. At an airport where slot allocation takes place, the
competent authorities shall determine the capacity
available for slot allocation twice yearly in cooperation
with representatives of air traffic control, customs and
immigration authorities and air carriers using the airport
and/or their representative organizations and the airport
coordinator, according to commonly recognized methods.
Where the competent authority is not the airport
authority it shall also be consulted.


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This exercise shall be based on an objective analysis of
possibilities.of accommodating the air traffic, taking into
account the different types of traffic at that airport.

The results of this exercise shall be provided to the airport
coordinator in good time before the initial slot allocation
takes place for the purpose of scheduling conferences.

2. Paragraph 1 may be applied to airports designated as
coordinated under the provisions of Articie 3.

Articie 7

Information for the coordinator

Air carriers operating or intending to operate at a coordi-
nated or fully coordinated airport shall submit to the
coordinator relevant information requested by the coordi-

Articie 8

Process of slot allocation

1. (a) Subject to the provisions of Articie 10, a slot that

has been operated by an air carrier as cleared by
the coordinator shall entitle that air carrier to claim
the same slot in the next equivalent scheduling

(b) In a situation where all slot requests cannot be
accommodated to the satisfaction of the air carriers
concemed, preference shall be given to commercial
air services and in partieular to scheduled services
and programmed non-scheduled services.

(c) The coordinator shall also take into account addi-
tional priority rules established by the air carrier
industry and if possible additional guidelines
recommended by the coordination committee
allowing for local conditions, provided such guide-
lines respect Community law.

2.   If a requested slot cannot be accommodated, the
coordinator shall inform the requesting air carrier of the
reasons therefore and shall indicate the nearest alternative

3.   The coordinator shall, at all times, endeavour to
accommodate ad hocsXot requests for any type of aviation
ineluding general aviation. To this end, the slots available
in the pool referred to in Articie 10 but not yet allocated
may be used, as may slots liberated at short notice.

4.   Slots may be freely exchanged between air carriers or
transferred by an air carrier from one route, or type of
service, to another, by mutual agreement or as a result of a

total or partial takeover or unilaterally. Any such
exchanges or transfers shall be transparent and subject to
confirmation of feasibility by the coordinator that:

(a) airport operations would not be prejudiced ;

(b) limitations imposed by a Member State according to
Articie 9 are respeeted ;

(c) a change of use does not fall within the seope of
Articie 11.

5.   Slots allocated to new entrants operating a service
between two Community airports may not be exchanged
or transferred between air carriers or by an air carrier from
one route to another as provided for in paragraph 4 for a
period of two seasons.

6.   The Commission may establish, after consultations
with air carriers, coordinators, and airport authorities,
recommended standards for the automated systems which
are used by the coordinators in order to ensure the proper
implementation of Artides 4 and 7.

7.   Where there are complaints about the allocation of
slots, the coordination committee shall consider the
matter and may make proposals to the coordinator in an
attempt to resolve the problems.

8.   If the problems cannot be resolved after considera-
tion by the coordination committee, the Member State
concemed may provide for mediation by an air carriers’
representative organization or other third party.

Articie 9

Regional services

1. A Member State may reserve certain slots at a fully
coordinated airport for domestic scheduled services :

(a) on a route to an airport serving a peripheral or
development region in its territory, any such route
being considered vital for the economic development
of the region in which the airport is located, on condi-
tion that :

(i) the slots concemed are being used on that route
at the time of entry into force of this Regulation ;

(ii) only one air carrier is operating on the route ;

(iii) no other mode of transport can provide an
adequate service ;

(iv) the reservation of slots shall end when a second
air carrier has established a domestic scheduled
service on the route with the same number of
frequencies as the first air carrier and operated it
for at least a season ;

(b) on routes where public service obligations have been
imposed under Community legislation.


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2.   The procedures in Articie 4 (1) (d) to 4 (1) (i) of
Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 shall be applied if another
Community air carrier is interested in servicing the route
and has not been able to obtain slots within one hour
before or after the times requested of the coordinator.

3.   The Member State shall communicate to the
Commission a list of routes for which slots have been so
reserved at a fully coordinated airport. This shall first be
done at the entry into force of this Regulation. The
Commission shall publish an overview of the routes
concemed in the Official Journal of the European
Communities not later than two months after the

Articie 10

Slot pool

1. At an airport where slot allocation takes place, a
pool shall be set up for each coordinated period and shall
contain newly created slots, unused slots and slots which
have been given up by a carrier during, or by the end of,
the season or which otherwise become available.

2.   Any slot not utilized shall be withdrawn and placed
in the appropriate slot pool unless the non-utilization can
be justified by reason of the grounds of the grounding of
an aireraft type, or the closure of an airport or airspace or
other similarly exceptional case.

3.    Slots which are allocated to an air carrier for the
operation of a scheduled service or a programmed non-
scheduled service on a partieular moment of a day and for
the same day of the week over a recognizable period up to
one scheduling period shall not entitle that air carrier to
the same series of slots in the next equivalent period,
unless the air carrier can demonstrate to the satisfaetion
of the coordinator that they have been operated, as
cleared by the coordinator, by that air carrier for at least
80 % of the time during the period for which they have
been allocated.

4.   Slots allocated to an air carrier before 31 January for
the following summer season, or before 31 August for the
following winter season, but which are returned to the
coordinator for reallocation before those dates shall not be
taken into account for the purposes of the usage calcula-

5.   If the 80 % usage of the series of slots cannot be
demonstrated, all the slots constituting that series shall be
placed in the slot pool, unless the non-utilization can be
justified on the basis of any of the following reasons :

(a) unforeseeable and irresistible cases outside the air
carrier’s control leading to, for example :

— grounding of the aireraft type generally used for
the service in question, or

— closure of an airport or airspace ;

(b) problems relating to the starting up of a new sche-
duled passenger service with aireraft of no more than
eighty seats on a route between a regional airport and
the coordinated airport and where the capacity does
not exceed 30 000 seats per year, or

(c) serious financial damage for a Community air carrier
concemed, with, as a result, the granting of a tempo-
rary licence by the licensing authorities pending
financial reorganization of the air carrier in
accordance with Articie 5 (5) of Regulation (EEC) No

(d) an interruption of a series of non-scheduled services
due to cancellations by tour operators, in partieular
outside the usual peak period, provided that overall
slot usage does not fall below 70 % ;

(e) an interruption of a series of services due to action
intended to affeet these services, which makes it praeti-
cally and/or technically impossible for the air carrier to
carry out operations as planned.

6.   If serious problems continue to exist for new
entrants, the Member State shall ensure that a meeting of
the airport coordination committee is convened. The
purpose of the meeting shall be to examine possibilities
for remedying the situation. The Commission shall be
invited to such a meeting.

7.   Without prejudice to Articie 8 (1) of Regulation
(EEC) No 2408/92, slots placed in the pools shall be
distributed among applicant carriers. 50 % of these slots
shall be allocated to new entrants unless requests by new
entrants are less than 50 %.

8.   A new entrant which has been offered slots within
two hours before or after the time requested but has not
accepted this offer shall not retain the new entrant status.

Articie 11

Safeguard mechanism

1. Where a solution cannot be found under paragraph
2 and taking into account that competition between the
air carriers concemed should not be distorted, an air
carrier shall not be allowed to use the flexibility provided
for in Articie 8 (4) for the purpose of introducing one or
more additional frequencies on a route between a fully
coordinated airport within the Community and an airport
in another Member State, if another Community air
carrier, licensed by another Member State, has not been
able, despite serious and consistent efforts, to obtain
landing and departure slots which can reasonably be used
for providing one or more additional frequencies on the
route within two hours before or after the times requested
of the coordinator.


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This provision shall not apply if the air carrier using the
flexibility provided for in Articie 8 (4) does not exceed the
frequencies of the other air carrier.

2.   Taking into account that competition between the
air carriers concemed should not be distorted, the
Member States responsible for the fully coordinated
airport referred to in paragraph 1 shall endeavour to facili-
tate an agreement between the air carriers concemed.

An alternative solution to the problem should be sought
such as :

— endeavouring to ensure that the request for slots of
the air carrier licensed by the other Member State is

— the reasonable use by that carrier of the flexibility
provided for in Articie 8 (4).

3.   A Member State concemed may request the
Commission to investigate the application of this Articie
within two months of an air carrier informing the coordi-
nator of its intention to use the flexibility provided for in
Articie 8 (4).

Articie 12

General provisions

1. Whenever it appears that a third country, with
respect to the allocation of slots at airports,

(a) does not grant Community air carriers treatment
comparable to that granted by Member States to air
carriers from that country, or

(b) does not grant Community air carriers de facto
national treatment, or

(c) grants air carriers from other third countries more
favourable treatment than Community air carriers,

appropriate action may be taken to remedy the situation
in respect of the airport or airports concemed, ineluding
the suspension wholly or partially of the obligations of
this Regulation in respect of an air carrier of that third
country, in accordance with Community law.

2. Member States shall inform the Commission of any
serious diffieulties encountered, in law or in faet, by
Community air carriers in obtaining slots at airports in
third countries.

Articie 13

Report and cooperation

1.   The Commission shall submit a report to the Euro-
pean Parliament and the Council on the operation of this
Regulation three years after its entry into force. This
report should inelude inter alia the following elements :

(a) the strueture of the airline industry;

(b) progress made by the industry in reducing the
non-use of slots ;

(c) size of the slot pool, as defined in Articie 10 (1), each
season at selected airports ;

(d) volume of unsuccessful applications for slots each
season at selected airports ;

(e) number of new entrants applying for slots each season
at selected airports ;

(f) use of dispute procedures established within the terms
of Articie 8.

2.   Member States and the Commission shall cooperate
in the application of this Regulation, particularly as
regards the collection of information for the report
mentioned in paragraph 1.

Articie 14


The Council shall decide on the continuation or revision
of this Regulation by 1 July 1997, on the basis of a
proposal from the Commission to be submitted no later
than 1 January 1996.

Articie 15

Entry into force

This Regulation shall enter into force on the thirtieth day
following that of its publication in the Official Journal of
the European Communities.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member

Done at Brussels, 18 January 1993.

For the Council

The President


gotab 43692. Stockholm 1993